Maxim Matveev about filming in the TV series "Trigger": 2020, interviews, scenario, role


On February 10, 2020, the TV series "Trigger" was released on the screens of the first channel with Maxim Matveyev in the lead role. The opinion of the artist on the series is in the material 24cm.

About TV series

In the center of the plot, the history of the psychotherapist of Artem Streletsky, who practices in working with clients receiving shock therapy. Artem injured by children's memories is trying to help people, and at the same time. But not always the provocation method gives the expected result.

The release date of the series is February 10, 2020.

According to Matveyev, the film is based on real events, which touches to the depths of the soul. Each case is a story that is adapted for cinema. The prototype of the main character was the experienced psychologist Sergey Nasibyan.

Matveyev stressed that the series was noticed by the weave of genres - this is a detective, and a thriller, and a psychological drama.

About shooting

For the role in the performance of the theater Oleg Tabakkova, the actor lost 20 kg and briefly crashed back in 2017. The filmmakers recommended to maintain the physical components for the role in the series, which for Matveev did not make it possible.

Preparation for filming began long before the start of the project. The actor had to visit the chair of the psychologist. After communicating with a specialist, he became better, and Maxim Matveyev recommends that people solve psychological problems on sessions, forgetting about the constraint and belonging to this easier.

About hero and vices

In an interview with the "Good Morning" program, Maxim Matveyev called his hero Hero from all the characters played: he is Hamit, but from humanistic considerations. It is such ambiguous images and attract Matveev.

However, to understand the logic of the actions of his hero Maxim was sometimes difficult. Streletsky, according to the artist, is a shoemaker without boot. It completely dissolves in the profession, but forgets about his own life. To understand the nuances of psychological work and be convincing in defining pain points Matveyev helped a psychologist-consultant.

Maxim Matveyev also told in an interview with the Russian Gazeta, which he did not happen to cross in life with such people as his hero Artem Streletsky, who use the technique of manipulation for good.

By the way, the work on the way helped Maxim Matveyev look wider on human weaknesses. The artist stressed that he began to relate calmer to human vices.

About the storyline

Refusing to disclose the details of the series, the actor still noted that the storyline in the scenario turned out to be unpredictable, and the love of the main character - unexpected.

About feedback

The first to see the installation of the 16th series of the film "Trigger" directed by Dmitry Tyurina managed to wife Maxim Matveyev - Elizabet Boyarskaya. On the page in "Instagram" Lisa emphasized that she says not as a loving wife, but as a colleague. According to Boyarskaya, the film "Trigger" is a "peculiar online psychological session", which will be interesting to everyone.

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