Lyudmila Zagorskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Lyudmila Zagorskaya - Ukrainian actress theater and cinema. She built an artistic career since childhood and is now in demand on the dramatic scene, television and in cinema. In 2010, the artist was awarded a diploma from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the contribution to the development of the culture and art of the country.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Zagorskaya was born on January 14, 1973 in Vinnitsa in the family of technologists. The girl was brought up with his brother. In the company with Mother Luda often visited theater and dreamed that someday would also get bouquets of flowers from the auditorium.

Since childhood, Lyudmila was fond of dancing and vocals. Parents staged a daughter in the creative section, thanks to which she knew the basics of choreography and singing. Later, Zagorskaya became the participant of the folk ensemble "Barvinok". At school, the girl was involved in events related to amateuria. Gradually, she mastered the game on the violin.

Despite her gifts, the young actress has always experienced difficulties with communication and only revealed its nature on the scene. That is why she decided to tie a biography with acting skills. Zagorskaya entered the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Art and in 1994 received a diploma.

To work in a specialty during this period was not easy, as the country experienced an economic crisis. A beginner artist was taken for any opportunity to earn money - played in performances, performed in schools and sanatoriums, but did not give up a profession.

Personal life

Husband Lyudmila Zagorskaya - director Taras Dudar. Periodically, the director invites the spouse to cooperate and offers her main roles. Lyudmila and Taras avoid quarrels and stresses, loyally belong to the professional tasks of each other and are not jealous of partners and colleagues.

The actress rarely communicates with his parents, as they live in Vinnitsa. Zagorskaya does not like to spread about personal life and is not always easy to contact with outsiders. Leisure she prefers to hold a book or traveling. Lyudmila rarely gives an interview and tries to avoid participating in television shows, as gossip and squabbles do not like.

The actress prefers an active lifestyle, but not engaged in sports. To support the figure to help her help to failure from the flour and consumption of a large number of vegetables and fruits. The growth of Lyudmila Zagorskaya - 169 cm, and the weight is 58 kg.

The celebrity has a personal account in "Instagram", where she lays out a photo from rehearsals, performances, film crews and artistic news.

Theater and films

Since 1999, the performer has been a party to the troupe of Kiev Tyuza on stickies. Most of the roles that offer artist directors are associated with a classic repertoire. Lyudmila is involved in the production of this theater and in the 2020th. For some time, she collaborated with the "Susyrian" theater, and also went to the stage as part of the entreprepacy associations.

Having built a career, Zagorskaya combined employment on the dramatic stage with the passing of castings in films and serials. The debut in the cinema took place in 2001, when Lyudmile was offered work in the Criminal detective "Treave of Werewolf". An episodic role led to a line of secondary images that regularly replenished the filmography of the artist. Fame in Russia and Ukraine she brought projects "yesterday the war ended", "Island of unnecessary people", "officers".

Lyudmila Zagorskaya and Daria Frost

Zagorskaya also tried herself as a TV host. She worked on the transmission of Aqua-World, produced on the Inter channel. Lyudmila is a diverse actress, so among her works there are roles in melodramas, detectives and historical projects. The last series "Rocks. Song Long Life. " The audience could also observe the reincarnation of the artist in the projects of "Mill Hatspetovka", "Return of Mukhtar", "Night's will".

2010 turned out to be very productive for celebrities. She starred in several films and television projects, among whom was the series "Warning". In it, the Heroine Lyudmila actually acts as a psychologist for people who are on the train. She listens to them, ready to support and talk about life.

Lyudmila Zagorskaya now

In 2019, 9 prime ministers with the participation of Lyudmila Zagorsk were released on the screens. Among them were "Podlidysh", "Opening will show" and "Movab". At the beginning of the 2020, the presentation of the projects "Labyrinth", "Women's Secrets" and "You are only mine" took place. The actress remains in demand on the dramatic scene and regularly receives new proposals from directors.


  • 2001 - "Werethe Trail"
  • 2005 - "Shadow Hunt"
  • 2006 - "Rocks. Song Long Life "
  • 2008 - "Hatspetovka milkka - 2: a challenge of fate"
  • 2010 - "Yesterday the war ended"
  • 2011 - "Island of unnecessary people"
  • 2015 - "Officer Wives"
  • 2016 - "Thunderstorms above Tikhorichy"
  • 2017 - "Warning"
  • 2018 - "servants"
  • 2019 - "Alien Life"

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