Elizabeth Nilova - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Elizabeth Nilova - Petersburg actress, is a regular participant of the theater troupe. Commissarzhevskaya, participates in the entrepreneurship productions, film and serials.

Childhood and youth

Artist was born in St. Petersburg on December 14, 1985. Elizabeth Nilova belongs to the acting dynasty, and, it seems, from the first breath, everyone knew: Lisa will become an actress. It was difficult to imagine that the biography would be different, because Grandfather Gennady Nilov was a favorite of film workers. The public remembers him by the Sondukov in the film "Three Plus Two". Father Alexei Nilov gained popularity thanks to the television "Streets of broken lanterns." The mother of Mother Anna Zoteva was not rich for interesting roles, but she also had an acting education.

Parents diverged immediately after the appearance of Lisa. The daughter did not feel deprived of attention, as she supported the connection with the Father and relatives. Another teenager Nilova decided on a future profession. She managed to enroll in spbgi for the course of Vladimir Nornko.

Personal life

Elizabeth Nilova from the number of actipers who prefer not to apply for personal life in social networks. Therefore, its account in "Instagram" is hidden from strangers, and the photo in a swimsuit can only be found as a frame from the film.

The actress is married, but about who is her spouse, nothing is known. Information about the growth and weight of the artist can be found in the acting portfolio.

Theater and films

Debut artists in the movie took place in a student. The first TV project with her participation was the film "Sissi - rebellious Empress." Partners of Lisa on the site were Stephen Oder, Ksenia Rappoport and Danil Kozlovsky.

Then followed the work in the tape "Everything was mixed in the house." Career beginner actress has been successful. Among the first projects there was a series of "high school students", and among the debut-format films appeared "18-14".

Having received a diploma, the performer entered the theater's troupe. Commissioner. The girl's debut took place in the production of "twelve months." The directors involved Lisa in the play "Soap Angels", "Graphoman", "Living Goods", "Recreation", "Last Summer in Chulimsk". Miniature, fragile girl received secondary roles in accordance with his role.

In 2017 and 2018, the actress was involved in the scenic embodiment of the "costume" and "Dr. Zhivago". Among the entrepreneurship with the participation of Elizabeth Nilovoy - the production of the "Pokrovsky Gate" of the authorship of Lev Rakhin.

The actress did not immediately won the attention of the televisers. A noticeable project with her participation was the multi-sized film "Night swallows". The story of the plot was the story of the exploits of women who served the flights of the airmaker during the Great Patriotic War. The production of the series turned out to be difficult, since shooting was conducted in winter, and actors often had to be in the snow, despite the frosts. Nevertheless, the role in the TV project was important in the career of the artist.

The attention of the public was attracted by the series "Lord-comrades", where Nilova got a capital role. The detective multi-metering film told about everyday life of criminal investigation officers in the post-revolutionary period. According to the story of the heroine Nilova in love with the revolutionary. Their connection is developing against the background of historical events of the era.

In the filmography Elizabeth, there are also roles in the TV series "Menting Wars", "Streets of broken lanterns", "Flying detachment", "Chronicle of vile times" and others.

At the moment, Nilova did not find the director who could fully reveal its dramatic potential in the theater or cinema, offering a significant and notable major role.

Elizabeth Nilova now

In 2019, the executor continued to work on the scene of the theater. Commissioner. She was involved in the premiere spectacle of the season - the formulation of Gregory Dietykovsky "Woman - Snake."


  • 2004 - "Sissi - rebellious empress"
  • 2006 - "Everything was mixed in the house"
  • 2007 - "18-14"
  • 2007 - "High school students"
  • 2008 - "Solo for a pistol with orchestra"
  • 2010 - "Marriage Contract"
  • 2011 - "Retrum"
  • 2011 - "Mayakovsky. Two days"
  • 2012 - "Night swallows"
  • 2015 - "Lord-comrades"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2017 - "Personality is not installed"
  • 2017 - Front
  • 2018 - "Svetlana"
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"

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