Coronavirus in Thailand: 2020, the latest news, border, sick


Updated April 19.

The outbreak of the 2019-NCOV virus, which received the official name COVID-19 in 2020, had an impact not only to the economy and politics, but also the sphere of tourism. January 13, the disease reached Thailand. The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared material about the situation with coronavirus in Thailand.

Cases of Coronavirus in Thailand

On January 13, 2020, the media was evidence of the first case of coronavirus infection in Thailand. The fellow man arrived from Uhani, he was immediately placed in the hospital and began to provide the necessary medical care. Soon the patient went on amendment.

As of April 19, 2733 cases of disease registered in the country. 1787 people managed to cure, they were discharged from hospitals. Reported about 47 lethal outcomes.

Situation in Thailand

Coronavirus-infected were found in cities, in the territory of which airports of international airports are located: Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi.

The authorities seriously took up the prevention of coronavirus prevention in the cities of Thailand. Thus, at 28 airports, infrared thermal chambers, determining potentially infected tourists, are disinfected by all aircraft salons.

The tabloids write that in the most crowded places of Bangkok volunteers distribute bactericidal masks, stores offer antiseptic gels for hands, disinfecting agents for surfaces.

March 25, the media reported that from the 26th of the authorities completely closed entry into the country and departure for all foreign citizens. All border points are closed both at airports and in marine and river ports, and land borders. Not reported on the exact timing of the removal of such a restriction, noting only that they will last until a special order of the competent authorities.

From March 25, Thailand's authorities banned tourists, resting at the resorts, leave hotels from 17:00 to 00:00.

Latest news

On April 10, 15 provinces of Thailand out of 77 closed the entry and limited the movement of citizens due to coronavirus. In order to combat infection in the country, shopping centers are also closed (with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies), hairdressers, massage salons, stadiums, cafes, restaurants and fitness centers. In a number of provinces and in Bangkok, a ban on selling alcoholic beverages was introduced.

The Provincial Committee on Infectious Diseases has signed an order according to which tourists must wear medical masks during the outdoor stay. In case of violation, they may threaten a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

It became known that on April 8, Thailand extended social payments to all the poor and state financial support for enterprises that carry the greatest losses due to coronavirus. The poor will receive a monthly 5 thousand baht (about $ 161) for six months.

On April 7, it became known that Buddhist and Orthodox monks are free to provide food by Russian tourists who are stuck in the country due to the closure of borders and the abolition of international flights to Russia.

April 6, Thailand extended the ban on international passenger flights until April 18.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Prime Minister of Thailand Pratha Chan-Fast said that seriously thinking about the introduction of a 24-hour curfew. Everything will depend on the dynamics of the increase in the number of cases from the sick during the week.

From April 4, all hotels were closed on Phuket. Only those where at the time of closure were already guests, they were allowed to continue working, but not to accept new guests.

On April 3, a curfew on the country was introduced from 22:00 to 04:00 in order to combat the spread of coronavirus. It also became known that on Phuket 24-hour shops will be closed from 20:00 to 05:00. All island motor rates will close until April 30.

From 2 and to April 15, Thailand has limited entry into the country of citizens returning from abroad. Now it will be possible to return home only in case of extreme need.

Thief of jokes of joke on April 1, associated with Coronavirus, the authorities warned that jokers would be punished with imprisonment to two years and / or a fine of 40 thousand baht.

Due to the fact that the virus destroys the country's tourist industry, more than 2000 elephants may suffer. Animals simply can not pay their accommodation, including 300 kg of food required by him per day. Because of this, elephants can be starved, to be sold in zoos or get into illegal logging trading.

Film companies that are engaged in filming movies and serials, asked to temporarily suspend activity. It is noted that this is not an order, but those who wanted to listen to the Council will continue to work at their own risk.

On March 31, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to increase the rates of remuneration by health workers who are busy fighting the coronavirus epidemic in Thailand. For this, funds from the government's emergency budget were allocated.

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