Anniversary of Viktor Loginova: 2020, biography, personal life, TV series


On February 13, 1975, the famous Russian actor Victor Loginov was born, famous thanks to the role of Gena Bukina in the TV series "Happy together" on TNT. In the 2020th, it is 45 years old. In honor of the anniversary, the editors of 24cmi amounted to a selection of interesting facts from his biography and personal life.

About childhood

In the family of the future artist, according to him, there was a completely non-standard upbringing model - the matriarchy. Everybody was filled with a grandmother, which could easily, for example, put his drunken father from the house, not even asking the opinions of Mother Victor. Despite this, he had the right beliefs. For example, he believes that he lives with a woman, a man must marry.

About kids

Loginova had three marriages from which there are five native children (including one daughter) and one adopted son. As he himself admits in an interview, the main thing in the education of the younger generation is to instill confidence in them that everything in this world is subject to them. Also, do not forget that Mayakovsky wrote: "What is good, what is bad."

About work

Despite the fact that every series of "happy together" is a small play and it was necessary to learn 40 sheets of text, the logins prefers to work without soufflers and teaches these texts himself.

About the way of life

The actor is not fond of sports. According to Viktor, the main simulators in his life are children. They run together, jump, pressed and play. On other exercises, his time, as a rule, does not happen.

About earnings

Gena Bukin - the main image in the career of Loginov. After that, he tried his strength as a TV host "Superintition" and "Machine", starred in films. Despite such a work, the actor complains about too unstable earnings in this area:

"I can spend ten performances in a month, and I can only two. Shooting can be, and may not be. When shooting goes - one earnings, and when there are no shooting - you are sitting at home for half a year. "

About singing

Another hobby loginova - singing. The actor even performed on various TV shows, including with Anna Sedokova, where he performed the legendary composition "Who told you". Also in adolescence, when the artist worked in the Kemerovo Theater, he sang Song Sergei Penkina.

About appearance

Such a concert program of the Theater's management picked up the artist because of the external similarity with Sergey. They are often confused on the street, Loginova is constantly called Sergey. The only differences are hair color and growth (190 of Victor against 175 at Pencois).

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