Film "Ice 2" (2020): Release date, trailer, plot, actors, facts


The release date of the second part of the film "Ice" was appointed in Russia for the day of all lovers - February 1420. The original film was released on February 14, 2018, the picture received high marks and positive reviews of viewers and film critics. The continuation of the magical romantic fairy tale about love, the power of will and perseverance tells the audience, how the fate of heroes would have developed further, what kind of tests they again prepared life and what happened to the main heroine of Nadi.

In the material 24cmi interesting facts about filming the film, actors and plot.


In the first picture, the main characters had to endure heavy trials of fate to carry out a dream, achieve the goal and gain love and happiness. Having played the wedding, Sasha and Nadia are waiting for the birth of a child, but life requires a dream of a dream too high.


In the picture, the audience will see familiar on the first film of heroes, as well as new participants in the magic fairy tale. The filmmakers promise unexpected turns of the storyline, the original combination of fabulous and real events that will not leave indifferent.


  • Alexander Petrov (Alexander Gorin, a hockey player, which one brings up a daughter);
  • Vitaly Kornienko (Daughter Sasha and Nadi, who dreams of being like a mother);
  • Agrata Tarasova (Nadia Lapshina, figure skater, wife Sasha Gorina);
  • Maria Aronova (Irina Shatalina, Figure Skating Coach);
  • Nadezhda Mikhalkov (social worker and friend Sasha Gorin).

The roles of the second plan in the film played:

  • Sergey Lavogin;
  • Adelia Abdulova;
  • Julia Libet;
  • Nina Litvinova;
  • Andrei Armeyev;
  • Olga Lifenseva;
  • Alexander Bujanov.

Interesting Facts

  1. The shooting of both parts took place on Lake Baikal and in the Losina Island National Park in the Moscow region. The second part began to shoot on March 12, 2019, the work on the tape in December 2019 ended.
  2. 15 babies participated in the filming of the film.
  3. Vita Kornienko and Alexander Petrov are not the first time on the set. Together they worked in the series "Call Dicaprio!" and opened the 30th "Kinotavr".
  4. Vita Korornko for filming in the film was engaged with a coach in figure skating, before that, the young actress did not know how to stand on skates. In the frame she had to perform complex jumps and elements.
  5. The action of the picture in most frames occurs in winter time, and the presence of snow was mandatory. However, the weather did not please the creators of the painting - December 2019 in the capital and the region was honest. The authors of the painting to create the effect of snowsery had to use a special white geotextile tissue, which was sprayed biocellulose. Inspectors of the National Park continuously controlled the film creation.
  6. Spectators are waiting for several unexpected storylines. One of them concerns the main character, because of which Sasha will have to educate the daughter.
  7. In the picture of Petrov for the first time.
  8. On February 10, a closed show of the film "Ice 2" in the Cinema "October" took place. But the premiere of the picture was torn, the wiring was caught fire in the cinema, 2.5 thousand spectators were evacuated. The show was attended creators and movie actors, other stars of film and celebrities: Alexander Petrov, Fedor Bondarchuk, Alla Pugacheva, Tina Kandelaki, Svetlana Loboda.
  9. The heroine of Maria Aronovoy on the screen performed the song The Primateonna "Lake of Hope", when the closure occurred and smoke went to the hall. About the incident Alla Borisovna wrote on his page in "Instagram". She noted that he would definitely look at the film to listen to his song to the end.
  10. Fyodor Bondarchuk noted that the success of the first part of Ice exceeded all expectations, because almost immediately thought about the filming of the second.
  11. During the prescription of the film for stars, Alexander Petrov from the scene confessed to the love of his colleague Stas Miloslavskaya, who came to the show to support the actor. For the first time about the novel of the stars spoke in June 2019, but they refused to confirm this fact. They opened in November, when together appeared before the public.
  12. Petrov called "Ice 2" by the folk film and noted that the premiere should be viewed with the people. Framework occurred on the Preview for the stars, and Alexander considered it a sign that it was necessary to watch the picture in the cinema on February 14.

Film "Ice 2" - Trailer:

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