Sergey Senin - Photo, Biography, Director, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Sergey Senin is a Russian creative figure, director and film generator. He received the greatest fame as a spouse Lyudmila Gurchenko. The director became the founder of the museum in memory of the life and work of the actress.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Senin was born on February 8, 1961. Many sources assure that his homeland became Odessa, but he was born in Bashkiria. Serge's parents were there on the distribution of the institute, and then returned home to Ukraine. In Odessa, the childhood of Senina was held.

After graduating from school, the young man endured the exams and became a student of the Odessa Engineering and Construction Institute. He received a specialty design engineer in industrial and civil construction. The young man mastered the program and entered the graduate school. Senin worked for some time in Alma Mater. During a couple of years, he was a laboratory employee at the Department of Hydroatory.

No one assumed that the biography of Sergey would be associated with creative work. But friends and close, who knew him in youth, noted the presence of artistic inclinations and a great fantasy. Taking advantage of a random opportunity, Sergei Senin got a job on Odessa film studio.

Personal life

Now Sergey Señin is known to the public as the last spouse Lyudmila Gurchenko. In marriage with the famous actress, he lived for almost 2 decades.

The novel of artists rose on the set of the film "Sex-fairy tale", in which Gurechenko performed a major role. The obstacle in their relationship was age, since all those surrounding about the difference in 25 years. In addition, Seenin was married, at that time the man had a legitimate wife and daughter. But at the premiere of tapes, the couple has already publicly demonstrated the presence of a romantic connection.

Señin moved to Gurchenko's apartment in Moscow. For some time he supported the relationship with the family waiting for him in Ukraine. For Sergey and Ludmila, the presence of the official spouse and the child was not a problem, they were busy with each other and work on a new project "Listen, Fellini!". The presentation of the film took place in Odessa. The premiere appeared the spouse of the producer with her daughter. They expected a warm meeting and joint triumph, but Señin was passionate about Gurchenko. The ambiguity of the situation revealed his eyes to what was happening, and the woman was submitted for divorce.

Producer and actress played a wedding. Throughout the joint life, Sergey supported the elect, helping to experience family peripetics, problems in creative activity and health care. Personal life was proof that their connection was not for the calculation. Children in the family did not appear.

Senin tried to prove his feelings actions and bald Lyudmila Markovna. On the 75th anniversary, the producer presented to the beloved woman's car brand "Volvo". Husband and wife continued to work together. Gurchenko spoke as a composer and screenwriter of the "Mottle Twilight" tape. The couple did not quarrel on the basis of creativity and investigated the soul.


Career developed slowly. In 1990, Sergey Señin became the director of the Art Film "Parrot, talking to the Yiddish", and a year later, the director of the sex fairy tale was directed by the director. After receiving the experience of the manager, Sergey decided to try himself as a producer. The debut short film was the film "I love", published in 1993.

Senin tried to be realized as an actor, starring in several episodic roles, but the producers and producers did not show interest to him. The artist chose the work on the other side of the camera and continued to produce production. In 2001, he became the organizer of the comedy musical "Women's Happiness". After 8 years later, the filmography of the Creative Worker was replenished with the project "Mottle Twilight".

Sergey Senin now

After the death of the actress, her husband stayed alone with an inheritance that was expected to be a section between the relatives of Lyudmila Markovna. Batterying in his wife and intending to keep the memory of her, Señin restked part of the country house, which turned into his possession, and bought an actress apartment. In it, he organized an exposure from personal items of the artist. Now this place works under the name Museum-workshop Lyudmila Gurchenko. Getting here on the excursion, you can see the outfits of the famous fashionista and the decor of the former apartment. Photos from the museum are presented in social networks, including in "Instagram".

Thanks to Senin in the walls of the former apartment Gurechenko, creative master classes and suit modeling classes are held.


  • 1990 - "Parrot that speaks Yiddish"
  • 1991 - "Sex Fairy Tale"
  • 1993 - "Love"
  • 2001 - "Women's Happiness"
  • 2009 - "Mottle Twilight"

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