"Docking" on the first channel: 2020, about which, with Sobchak, the opinion of the audience


Returning from forced holidays in broadcasting on federal TV channels, Ksenia Sobchak became the leading program "Docking", the idea of ​​which the first channel was hatched since 2017. The first release, shown on February 10, 2020, caused public resonance. The editorial office 24cmi tried to figure out what kind of program it was and what opinion about the show was at the TV viewers.

New format show

"Docking" was declared Ksenia Sobchak as a fundamentally new show of the documentary genre. A feature of the program, the secular lioness named the lack of emotional debates - only intelligent discussions and thoughtful discussion of resonant topics. The first is the sister of Khachaturian, accused of murdering his father Mikhail.

However, the audience noted that the show was not able to defend the "novelty" of the show: "Reconstruction" of documentary frames of invited actors who looked at the "outstanding lard", the narrative - stretched and tedious, and an intelligent conversation - failed.

The audience also outraged the striking similarity of the Docking Protection program from the "Male / Women's" show, "direct ether", "let them say", "the investigation was led." In the comments to Instagram-Publication Ksenia Sobchak, users noted: "Decorations - in the style of" let them say ", transmission - too."

Leading: failure or strategy

Opinions of the audience about TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak in the new program were divided into two camps: Some are confident that experience in journalism and the resulting "Haip" around the show "Caution, Sobchak!" Help the secular lioness to achieve a "smart conversation", others compared attempts to a thoughtful discussion without screams and scandals with debates at the "frontal place" in the TV show "Dom-2".

The co-host Alexander Gordon during the discussion of a loud case did not appear on the air, but the viewers pinned on his ability to dialogue great hopes: "I am waiting for the transfer with Gordon. And I also remember the transfer, where Solovyov was coordarent. That was a pleasure. "

I expressed my opinion on the program and the omnipresent Lena Miro. She noted that Sobchak did not touch the whole week, but now decided to speak. In her opinion, the show was failed, and the intelligent conversations declared by the leading and did not take place: guests and experts were drove away from their places and shouted, as in the Malakhov program. Miro noted that the ratings of the past week confirmed that "docking" does not deserve attention, the audience refuse to watch it.

Many were also unhappy with the theme of the premiere, because the sisters of Khachaturian is no longer the first time discussed on the screens and has managed to bother the order.

What topics will be "current"

The producers of the first channel were transferred to the night ether, as they plan to raise witness. Reviews of the audience on this occasion were divided: some believe that the theme of domestic violence was not realized at all, and they offer to invite lawyers, psychologists to the program, and discuss the real opportunities to solve the problem, others - that this "old songs are obtained. Before May, you will not reach, close. "

Users on the reviews of IreCommend noted that the topic of the released show is irrelevant: "Shurygin and Nastya Fish with their super secretarial archival records will come to the" docking current ".

Plagiat or seemed?

February 7, 2020, 3 days before the release of the "Dock of the current" on the air, the editorial office of the RTVI channel stated that the show with Ksenia Sobchak and Alexander Gordon about dramatic stories that caused public resonance, not new. The leading "original" Doc Talk Nikita Tikhonov-Rau and Olga Arlyuskas seriously engage in filming of documentaries 15 years. The show with their participation is on the air since September 2019, therefore, the statement on violation of copyright is reasonably.

However, the idea of ​​the program with Ksenia Sobchak originated from the producers of the first channel back in 2017. Despite this, the TV hosts noted that they themselves do not intend to contact the court, since they are invited to RTVI, so the negotiations will be carried out between the edits of the channels.

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