Phoebe Buffe (Character) - Photo, "Friends", Actress, Lisa Kudrow, TV series


Character History

Phoebe Buffe is the heroine of the series "Friends", remembered by the audience thanks to the original songs under the guitar and a kind of sense of humor. Good-natured, straightforward and unintelligent girl in men is recognized as the most popular character of the series - the largest number of jokes and funny quotes from "friends" belongs to it.

History of character creation

The image of Phoebe Buffy in the series opened the actress Liza Kudrou. Jane Lynch, Megan Mullally and Katie Griffin also claimed the role, but the director made a choice in favor of Lisa, who made the character truly funny. Eccentric Phoebe is considered one of the best roles Kudroo - for it ONSCH and received a nomination for the "Golden Globe". In some episodes, the actress played including the twin sister Heroin Ursul Buffy.

In Russian dubble, Phoebe first voiced Marina Duzheva (Studio "Note", 2000-2005), and later Olga Sirin (True Dubbing Studio Studio commissioned by Paramount Comedy, 2015).

Biography and Phoebe Buffe

Early years of Phoebe's biography marked by tragic events. Mother left her together with the sister-twin Ursula on the care of the girlfriend and the biological father of girls, who then threw the family. He was replaced by stepfather, a few years later, he was in prison. Fibi's adoptive mother and Ursula committed the life of suicide, and native more did not declare about himself.

At the age of 14, the heroine began to live on the street, where he learned to play the guitar and contacted a bad company. In adolescence, she repeatedly became an accomplice of theft and robbery, but it cost without the involvement of the police. Later, Phoebe turned off the criminal journey, received the masseuse profession and began to sing in the local cafe of the song of his own essay.

Having matured, she began to communicate less with Ursula. Over the years, sisters have become more cold. The only understanding relative Phoebe became her grandmother, with which the heroine settled in the first seasons (later she died, having won an apartment to her granddaughter). In the series "Episode with a Baby on the bus"), the girl also finds Frank Buffy, who comes to her brother on his father.

Fibi friends got acquainted with the announcement - Monica Geller searched for a neighbor for a joint rental apartment. Settling together, the girls became friends. Over time, Buffa has become difficult to endure the rigoric nature of the neighbor and her endless pick-ups regarding purity, and she moved to her grandmother, which, however, did not prevent her from preserving warm relations with Monica. Later, Phoebe began to live together with Rachel Green.

Due to the difficult childhood of the heroine and at the young age remained a shavy, capricious and touchy. Early faced with difficulties, she learned to rely only on herself, but in many respects it remained a naive child - for example, she seriously believed in the existence of Santa Claus, while her died Joe tribbiani. Directness and frankness of Phoebe shock others, but to the last seasons of its character changes - the girl becomes more socialized and intelligent.

The heroine has French roots, since her grandmother was from that country. Phoebe has a corresponding pseudonym - Regina Filalanda. She knows French and Italian perfectly, despite the fact that he did not teach the languages ​​purposefully. The lack of school education, however, imposed a serious imprint to the consciousness of the heroine: in the head of Phoebe - a wild mix of pseudo-contaminated theories and bizarre explanations of the facts of the outside world, which makes it difficult to communicate with truly intellectual people, for example, Ross.

The authors of the series hint that Phoebe has alcohol problems. It is not so often appearing in the frame of drunk, but regularly leads colorful descriptions of cases when "went over". For example, once at a Phoebe's charity party drank 20 portions of the alcohol, at the birthday of Monica "touched" almost before unconsciousness, and at the wedding of Ross and Rachel grabbed the bottle for another breakfast.

The heroine has a peculiar relationship with nature. She is a vegetarian, fiercely protests against the cutting of the Christmas trees for Christmas, hunting, clothes from natural fur and even the preparation of traditional Thanksgiving Day. Crowded flowers and randomly crushed insects for Phoebe are real small tragedies. At the same time, the girl is not against guessing with the help of bones, and during the pregnancy period calmly changes its food principles, recognizing that he needs meat.

Phoebe is the author of the extravagant songs of his own essay, the most famous of which is the "Dranine Cat" (in the original - Smelly Cat, i.e. "smelly cat"). This composition has become a hit and a kind of symbol of the series. An interesting fact - although Phoebe Levsh (the only of the main characters), on the guitar she plays his right hand.

Heroine style in clothing and hairstyle - reflection of her wrinkling character: bright colors, incompatible things, an abundance of brilliant jewelry. Sometimes she looks as if she put on everything that was found in the closet.

In the personal life of Phoebe - the most frivolous of 3 heroines. She does not see anything wrong with random relationships and disorderly sexual relations. Separate episodes of the series contain instructions on its bisexuality: in one of the scenes it kisses Monica, and to another is recognized in the strongest deposit to Cassie, Kuzin Ross. In early episodes, Phoebe declares that no boyfriend has emerged longer than a month.

In the 9th season, the heroine met Mike Hannigan, who later became her husband. Their wedding during the snow storm is the main event of the final episode of the series.

In the 4th season, Actress Liza Kudroo became pregnant, and the creators had to beat this moment in the frame. According to the plot, Phoebe becomes a surrogate mother for the sophisticated brother Frank and his wife. In real life, Kudroo safely gave birth to a boy, and her heroine became the mother immediately three children, her son and two daughters.


- Phoebe, do you have a goal in life? - I don't have a life! Recently, it seems to me that I don't attract so much to Earth, how much does it be thrifty. Today I will sing thirteen of my new songs: Twelve about the suicide mom and One about a snowy person. - What do you think a lot can tell a lot about your owner? - What? Behind my back?!


  • 1994-2004 - "Friends"

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