Balysh-bad (character) - Photo, author, actor, Arkady Gaidar, Cybalchish


Character History

The boy's bad is a negative hero of the work "Tale of military mystery, about the boy-kibalchish and his solid word." Because of the vile pest, a brave boy suffered, but the price of betrayal was ridiculous.

History of character creation

The story of the feat of Kibalchish writer Arkady Gaidar was published in the spring of 1933. Subsequently, this heroic story entered the collection "Military Mystery".

The genre of the work belongs to the story, but Gaidar included a feature and detective in the story, and adventure. In addition, educational motives are traced in rows in lines. In the title there is a phrase - "military mystery". The writer saw in this the main meaning and the idea of ​​his creation.

The work of Arkady Gaidar began writing in 1932. At this time, the author works as a correspondent of the "Pacific Star". The first, "working" name of the work is "such a person." But later, Arkady Petrovich writes in the diary, which, most likely, will call the story "Balysh-Kibalchish".

At the end of August 1932, "military mystery" was added to the title, thereby the author suffered a focus of attention from Kibalchish's attack on a special secret that helps the Red Army to keep the victory in the war with bourgeois.

And this secret is not in service or tanks. The main mystery is that everyone knows what he is fighting for. Everyone is confident that he is on the right side. And the new generation will grow up, which shares the values ​​of the ancestors and does not even allow the thoughts of defeat.

"The fairy tale of military secret, the boy-kibalchish and his solid word" after the publication in the "Pioneer Pravda" came out with a separate book. Beautiful illustrations in bright red shades belong to the artist Vladimir Konashevich. The story was undone long discussion of critics.

In particular, half a year did the discussion on the usefulness of this book for children. But in the end, Alexander Sergeyevich Shcherbakov, the party figure, said that the disputes on the "ideologicalness" of the works are non-prone and unnecessary. Subsequently, life confirmed these words. "Military mystery" and the story included in it about the feat of a small boy entered the Golden Fund of Children's Literature.

Biography and image of a boy-bad

To expand the actions of the main character - Balysh Kibalchish, it is necessary for its antipode, antagonist. And they became the same boy who grew up with the rest, walked, ran, played. He does not differ from the peers. Just for some reason decided that the "jam bank jam and a cookie basket" - this is a weighty argument to betray their homeland.

When fathers and older brothers left the war, the old men were left, unable to even raise sabers, and small children. The boys still play hide and catching up, but they don't know what war is and how to hide from bullets.

Time comes, and on the face of the Red Army becomes no one to go. And then the squad of boys, who decide to stand up for their homeland and hold out until the main forces. Among them is also a boyfriend. He is on a par with the rest of the way. But not in order to stand up to the last cartridge, and to find a way to help bourgeois.

And when the fierce battle was conducted, the anti-hegery was settled by the combat reserves of the Red Army. He came running towards enemies and joyfully notified them about the perfect act. The character was done, and the price of the defeat of the young squad - "Bank of jam and a cookie basket" - became one cup of scales with the death of Brave Balchis-Kibalchish.

In the narration of the bourgeois, the boy was to know what for military mystery in the Red Army. The writer believes that the chief secret is the topic of unity of people. All - and old, and young - are ready to fight together against the "damned bourgeois" and protect their homeland.

Today, the name of the boy's bad has become nominal. Thus are called simply bad people, although Gaidar focused on the qualities of the traitor and a coward, which was afraid of the defeat and preferred to move to the side of the enemy.

Boyfriend in films

In 1958, the plot of fairy tales was embodied in a multiplication hand drawn picture. The director Alexander Snezhko-Blotskaya pointed out that this cartoon was dedicated to Leninsky Komsomol.

The famous filmmaker "Tale of Balchish-Kibalshich" was filmed by the director Evgeny Sherstobitov based on the work of Gaidar in 1964.

The role of the film's antagonist was invited to play actor Sergei Tikhonov. Prior to that, the boy starred the painting "Leader of Redheads". Evgeny Schestobits, seeing how the young artist was born into the role of Johnny Dorset, realized that he did not find a better candidate for the role of "bad".

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In the photo from the filming, she looks cunning, loafy hooligan. But, as Evgeny Firsovich admitted:

You do not need to be a director to see what a rare acting is this child possessed.

Actually, the character of the artist issued the start and outside the cameras. So, in the breaks of Seryozha Tikhonov did not cease to lean - it took away the guys to swim, then invented insane jokes.

In the film, the boy played a traitor. The traitor, who at the very beginning requested from the spy of the Dzydin 518 sweets in exchange for aiding. His quotation in the film from a conversation with an agent with a head gives the cause of betrayal:

Honey gingerbread give? ... and you give two? ... and now Hulva come on, yes more, but I will not say.
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The hero in the picture looks cowardly, greedy, amporn and envious. It is so-so readers and represented badly when they read the fairy tale of the Soviet writer.

In the actor's biography, several bright roles, more often he played antagonists. The talent of the artist for dignity did not appreciate. Submitting documents for admission to VGIK, the young star gets failure. Tikhonov's fate is tragic, the actor died at 21, pleaseing under the tram.


Honey gingerbread give? And two give? And now Hulva, come on, yes more, but I will not say, I am now! I'm just pants catching. I am yours, bourgeois!


  • 1933 - "The fairy tale of military secret, about the boy-kibalchish and his solid word"


  • 1958 - "Fairy Tale of Balysh-Kibalchish"
  • 1964 - "Fairy Tale of Balysh-Kibalshich"

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