Coronavirus: 2020, symptoms, as manifests, methods of treatment


Updated June 11.

Almost every year in the autumn-winter period, the population of the globe is exposed to an information horror about the deadly disease. In 2020, this was the 2019-NCOV virus, the outbreak of which began with the Chinese city of Wuhan Hubei Province. On the main symptoms of coronavirus and the methods of treating the pneumonia developing because of it - in material 24cm.


Among the methods of transmission, the air-drip path is distinguished when viral particles apply to coughing, sneezing or talk directly from person to person.

The life expectancy of the virus on the surfaces is 24-48 hours. Therefore, the contact-household distribution path is also relevant. At the same time, the virus with the particles of the saliva of an infected person is settled, for example, on handrails in public transport or door handles.

Coronavirus symptoms:

  • Increased temperature - often;
  • Dry cough - often;
  • Fever - often;
  • fatigue - rarely;
  • pain in the joints - rarely;
  • Rubber - rarely;
  • sore throat - rarely;
  • diarrhea - rarely;
  • Headache - rarely;
  • shortness of breath - rarely;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - rarely;
  • Respiratory failure - rarely;
  • intoxication - rarely;
  • The loss of smell is often;
  • Loss of taste sensations - rarely;
  • The formation of sputum - rarely;
  • chills rarely;
  • nausea or vomiting - rarely;
  • hemoptia - very rarely;
  • Conjunctiva is very rare;
  • Septic shock - very rarely;
  • The inflammation of the abdominal cavity is very rare;
  • inflammation, redness, swelling and tearing of the eyes - rarely;
  • The overall feeling of indisposition, confusion, anxiety - rarely;
  • Lowering hemoglobin (in severely ill).

According to statistics, in children the risk is in severely lower than in adults. Russian microbiologists also suggest that Coronavirus prefers to attack genetically predisposed people of Asian nationality.

The risk group turned out to be people aged 40+. Dead from coronavirus infection are older people over 60 years old, with weakened immunity, cardiovascular pathology, diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases.

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days. In the WHO report, it is said that the first signs and symptoms of coronavirus are on average occur in 5-6 days after infection. At the same time, most people have a disease in light shape.

Earlier, news appeared in the media that Coronavirus can be infected with pets, but the main infectiousist FMBA Vladimir Nikiforov denied this moment: it is impossible to infect COVID-19 from the animal.

It is noted that among the consequences of the coronavirus, weakening of the function of the lungs at 20-30% of the persistent and shortness of breath were noticed. And among the good news, the opportunity to re-infect extremely small.

French scientists from the National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists declared another symptom - skin redness by type of urticaria. However, in the Health Directorate, there was a lack of serious scientific research on the effect of coronavirus on the skin of the disease. It is possible that these redness could be the result of the mutation of the virus genome. Several later, Italian doctors also noted that the patients with coronavirus often observed a rash on the legs.

In addition to all the above symptoms, as a doctor of the care of therapy and geriatria of the Hospital "Mercy" in Tuscany, Volunteer Organization Red Cross Olga Bezonova, working in Pisa, in patients with COVID-19 in some cases a loss of sensitivity of facial and triple nerves is noted.

Researchers from the medical school named after the Grossman at the New York University found out that the heavy form of coronavirus at an early stage of hospitalization can be revealed in terms of C-reactive protein, d-dimer and ferritin. They must be enhanced. In this case, blood saturation should be low: no more than 88%.

Among other things, scientists from the University of Alabama (USA) discovered that coronavirus is able to thicken blood and form clocks. This complication explains the deterioration of smell in patients.


On January 30, the Ministry of Health announced a list of drugs for the treatment of coronavirus disease. It includes drugs that are used to combat HIV infection, hepatitis C and multiple sclerosis. Gennady Onishchenko said that the drugs Indinavir and Savicinavir work with the Chinese virus.

Symptomatic treatment, which is used for any viral infection, is aimed at facilitating the state of the patient, which reduces the risk of complications in infected. With severe forms of respiratory failure, hardware assistance is required, capable of increasing the body saturation with oxygen bypassing the lungs.

Methods of traditional medicine like tea with raspberries, garlic and vitamin C in the treatment of coronavirus infection are useless.

Malysheva called products to strengthen immunity to COVID-19

Malysheva called products to strengthen immunity to COVID-19

As the prevention of WHO, it provides recommendations to comply with hand hygiene rules, respiratory hygiene and avoid close contact with people who have signs of disease, such as cough and runny nose. In the case of WHO infection, it recommends treating the medical institution as soon as possible.

Chinese researchers found that lifelong immunity to the virus is not produced. And in the media they started talking about the development of Vaccines by British and Chinese scientists already in 2020. We plan to start testing in April.

On March 19, it became known that the Russian scientist managed to fully decipher the Coronavirus genome. This will help in developing a medication from viral pneumonia.

On March 24, the press service of the RVC reported that the Russian PM & HM company developed inhalers for the integrated treatment of a wide range of severe diseases, people with symptoms of coronavirus can take advantage of them. The peculiarity of new inhalers has become the fact that they are applied immediately before the patient's breath, therefore the drug does not settle in the respiratory tract and the effectiveness of treatment is essentially rising. The cost of such inhalers will be from 3 thousand rubles, they are already tested before the State Registration.

WHO provides recommendations for treating at home. So, if a person has a light symptoms of coronavirus, he should provide himself with a dream and rest, stay warm, drink plenty of liquid, and to relieve throat pain and cough to use a room humidifier or take a hot shower.

On April 6, 2020, the director of emergency and emergency care named after Sklifosovsky Sergey Petrikov said how to treat a light form of coronavirus in Russia. According to him, the patient is prescribed antipyretic and vitamins, as well as other preparations of symptomatic action.

On April 7, 2020, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Surgery Department at the University of Pittsburgh University Andrea Gammbotto spoke about the successful vaccine tests, which developed the antibodies to coronavirus in mice. It happened for two weeks and exactly in such a quantity, which is sufficient to completely neutralize the action of the coronavirus SARS-COV-2.

April 9. It became known about the new method of treatment for severely ill. In two Moscow clinics, to those who no longer help the IVL apparatus, transfers the plasma of blood of patients with antibodies. This method of treatment at one time showed efficiency in the Chinese uhang.

April 14, 2020 The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved temporary recommendations for the treatment of susparatory diseases during the pandemic period. The therapist inspecting the Narvi patient must anyway suspect COVID-19.

June 11th The media reported that the Russian hospitals received the first batch of the drug for the treatment of the coronavirus "Aviafavir". The medicine has proven its effectiveness in clinical trials, because its deliveries began in the Moscow, Leningrad, Novgorod, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod regions, the Republic of Tatarstan and Yekaterinburg. During the month, 60 courses "Aviafavira" will be delivered to hospitals, if necessary, they can increase them.

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