Macchat Prada - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Brand, Clothing 2021



In the young years, Muccian Prada wanted to devote to the life of politics, a pantomime or philosophy, but the search for himself in the end led her to the post of head of Prada. This presented the world of the great fashion designer and a talented designer, a changed vision of a female fashion.

Childhood and youth

Muccia Prada Bianki was born on May 10, 1949 in Milan, Italy. Granderen's grandfather Mario Prada was among the founders of Prada, specializing in the manufacture of suitcases and bags. The girl grew along with the sister of Marina and Brother Alberto and was a youngest child in the family.

Being a teenager, Muccia loved experimenting with fashion. She has tried different images, without thinking about whether her things go. Independence and freedom ultimately reflected on the subsequent creativity of the designer, becoming her fashionable credo. But in his youth, Prada did not think about continuing a family business.

After graduation, the girl entered the University of Milan, where he studied philosophy and political science. She later joined the Communist Party and showed themselves as an active wrestler for women's rights. But this was not enough, Machche desperately needed to find his place in life. This led her to Teatro Picco, where she mastered the art of pantomime.

Personal life

Designer from those people who could skillfully combine work and personal life. Many of her creative ideas were implemented thanks to the support of her husband and business partner in one person - Patricio Bertelli. Couple has two sons, Lorenzo and Julio.


Nobody expects Prada to take on behalf of the family business and will be in this successful. After in 1975, a woman occupied the post of head, the brand was expected to change. For some time, Muccia continued a family business, but soon realized that he did not want to be limited to the production of suitcases.

So the first line of women's shoes appeared, and then the release of the collection of bags from a parachute nylon was followed, which did not look attractive, but were comfortable and practical. Classic Prada Handbag backpack, whose design has developed Prada personally, soon became an indispensable thing in the wardrobe, despite the high price of the first instances.

The next innovation was the launch of the rushing line of Pret-A-port. The innovative ideas of the fashion designer liked not all, critics called things from Prada ridiculous and even ugly, but, despite this, they quickly flew out of the shelves of stores and became fashionable.

In an interview for Telegraph, the celebrity admitted that he admires ugliness, because it is more natural than recognized beauty. The advantages of clothing developed by the designer become obvious not immediately, but as it uses. Soon the woman died the creator of trends and noticed her talent to predict, which will be in demand in the new season.

In 1993, Muccia created his brainchild Miu Miu, whose name is inspired by its children's nickname. The company specializes in the production of women's clothing and accessories oriented to young people. The american actress El Fanning entered the reserves of the fashion designer, which has repeatedly participated in the promotion of the brand. In 2017, she even made a temporary tattoo with the logo of the organization and posted a photo on his page in "Instagram".

Shortly after the creation of MIU MIU, the field of activity of Mucci expanded to the production of spirits. The release of the perfume lines was warmly accepted by fans, and advertising campaigns and clips involving celebrities allowed to attract new devotees. Prada Candy Florale toilet water was popular, which was presented by French actress Lea Seid.

In addition to the creation of accessories and clothing, Machka is fond of cinema and is engaged in charity. In 2011, the Miu Miu brand presented a series of rollers filmed by the women's directories in which new things were presented. Also, the fashion designer dressed the characters of Romeo + Juliet films, the "Great Gatsby" and "Hotel Grand Budapest".

Machka Prada now

In 2019, the celebrity has fed an anniversary - 70 years, but age did not affect her skills to conduct a business. Now she continues to occupy the post of head of Prada. News On the creations and events of the biography of Mucci, fans will learn on the official website of the brand.

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