Products that cause cellulite: orange peel, from what to refuse


Cellulite - an unpleasant problem, common among girls and women. The growth of fat cells and violation of metabolic processes in adipose tissue on the legs provoke no extra kilograms, as is customary. The disease occurs in the presence of several factors - bad habits, stress, improper nutrition. About cellulite caululite products - in the editorial material 24cm.


Products that cause cellulite

In large quantities, sugar increases the content of free radicals in the body, on which the elasticity of blood vessels depends. The flow of blood in the veins and arteries slows down, which disrupts the metabolism. Sweet food increases the need for fluid, and excess water causes the appearance of "orange peel". Danger also pose candies without sugar - they contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives affecting the formation of adipose tissue.

Wheat flour products

Purified carbohydrates contained in white flour and products from it, in the body are converted to sugar and glucose. Sensitivity to insulin decreases, adipose tissue accumulates. In the fight against cellulite, it is worth abandoning white bread, macaroni, baking baking. Also, flour is contained in various sauces and sausage products, so they can also be selected when cellulite.

Alcohol and carbonated drinks

Even in small doses, alcoholic beverages increase the amount of fats, slow down blood circulation and violate metabolic processes. The use of wine, whiskey, beer leads to dehydration and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and "orange peel". Carbonated sweet juices and water contain many calories and chemical additives that cause harm figure and health.


Products that cause cellulite

One mug of coffee daily charges the vigor, energy and will not lead to serious problems. But everything is good in moderation, you should not abuse. A large amount of caffeine narrows vessels and leads to dehydration. If cellulite has already appeared, minimize the amount of coffee. Replace it with more useful herbal tea. Interestingly, coffee helps and get rid of cellulite - it is used in the preparation of anti-cellulite scrubs.


White rice used in Japanese dishes is rich in refined carbohydrates. Also in our area of ​​the chef love to add nonypical ingredients - mayonnaise, bacon. A large amount of fat and unnecessary calories contributes to the fluid delay. Try moving to vegetarian vegetable rolls, and the white rice is replace brown.

Cottage cheese and milk

Dairy products contain enzymes that are not cleaving in the body completely. Poor recycled food worsens digestion. Also, with food processing of milk and grain cottage cheese, manufacturers add salt and preservatives that lead to the formation of fatty sediments.

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