Gregory Zarechny - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Singer Grigory Zarechny many years performed songs in the style of Chanson. Under his uncomplicated and mental tracks, not one generation of drivers drives the path on the road, no wonder the car theme is one of the loved ones in the work of the musician. Truckers and the chambers devoted a man almost half of albums, which in his discography are already over dozen.

Childhood and youth

The performer acts under the pseudonym, its real name - Ishkhanov. The biography of the artist is closely connected with the sunny Baku, where he was born in 1958 and held the first half of life. Since childhood, music surrounded the boy: the grandmother was a soloist of the Baku Opera House, and Mama Anna Mkrtachevna taught music and singing. Father Lion was engaged in the design of buildings.

Grisha went to the inheritance from the grandmother an ancient German piano on which he began to exercise. The musical school of the child did not like it: Monotonous gammas soon bored a little pianist, and he chose to master the instrument on their own, engaged in the selection of melodies. The school of Ishkhanov joined the ensemble, and in the pioneer camp, and at all began to work as an accordionist, for which he received the first money in life.

Gregory inspired Western Rockers and Vladimir Vysotsky, whose songs he diligently stood under the guitar in the yard. In the senior classes, the young man had a new passion: he persuaded the parents to make the dog and the pet tracked the clock. Even the army came to ask himself, but provided that they were taken together with the faithful dog. He served a guy in the Avto Moscow near Moscow, where and the dogs managed to tinker, and attention to the music. Together with the army ensemble, he performed at events, for the first time he began to write songs.

However, the Grisch's musical career began not immediately. Seven years he drove trolleybuses through the streets of Baku, spending his free time at the club of the author's song. She was still fascinated by Motocross and adored to drive on any kind of transport, even the Four had learned to manage. Managed to work in the north, on logging. In the perestroika years, it was dangerous to live in Azerbaijan, and the musician moved to Russia, where he continued to work as a driver and writing music.

Personal life

Gregory's wife broke up, leaving from Azerbaijan. It all ended not so peacefully and beautifully, as a musician would like. However, in 1989, being in Rostov-on-Don with a suitcase and guitar, the singer decided to start everything from scratch. Here you managed to start a musical career, build a house, organize a business and arrange a personal life. The artist married, the son and daughter were born in marriage.

In 2006, the artist with his family moved to Moscow to bring creativity to a new level. Adaptation to the metropolitan life was not easy, but it turned out to settle, and now Zarechny is a metropolitan resident.


In Rostov, Gregory managed to make music closely. He even studied here at the head of Via and began to work in the local philharmonic. The tour guides and first records that have not been preserved until today.

Work on banquets and weddings did not bring complete satisfaction, then the man took up the business to be able to pay for the recording of the debut album. They became "and I love my city", released in 2000. The next disk came out a year later, and called the "trucker". Here Zarechny spook the favorite themes of texts - the road and the driver's fate. They brought him fame and love of listeners.

Gregory Zarechny now

Gregory continues to please the fans with music. In 2019, after a long pause, which was delayed for more than 10 years, Zarechny presented a fresh material to the public, with 2 albums at once. In the new plates, the artist departs from the usual car theme and sings that he worries the soul.

Disk "For Baku People!" Represents the direction of the so-called Caucasian Chanson, and "if the youth knew" filled with nostalgic, confessional and love lyrics. Gregory gives concerts and acts on customized events. About the news A man reports on social networks "VKontakte" and Facebook, where there is photos, announcements of speeches and improvised clips. The "instagram" singer does not lead.

In May 2019, Zarechny launched the project "Online School Guitar Games", where he invites everyone to replenish the ranks of his students. The musician offers for 2 months from scratch to train the performing azam on the author's method. Grigory himself, in addition to the guitar, can play on the accordion and keyboards.


  • 2000 - "And I love my city"
  • 2001 - "trucker"
  • 2001 - "Language-2"
  • 2002 - "Falbandic 3"
  • 2004 - "And I put on gas!"
  • 2005 - "Share - Dat"
  • 2005 - "Do not fly!"
  • 2006 - "The brakes came up with panties!"
  • 2008 - "Shawn Roman"
  • 2008 - "Pigeons over Rostov"
  • 2019 - "If you knew youth ..."
  • 2019 - "For Baku People!"

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