Anniversary Oksana Grigorieva: Husband, Personal Life, Facts, Mel Gibson


On February 23, 2020, the Russian-American pianist, singer and songwriter Oksana Grigorieva celebrates anniversary. Artist marks 50 years. Interesting facts from her biography and personal life - in material 24cm.


Despite the age, the figure and appearance of Oksana Petrovna will envy even 20-year-olds. Judging by the photo from her "instagram", the star pays a lot of time to his own health, it tries to eat right and often even herself prepares PP dishes, including from vegetarian cuisine.

"At horse"

A little free time Grigorieva pays horseback riding. This hobby was reflected in one of her clips: a naked woman jumps on horseback.

Way to success

The game on Piano Oksana Grigorieva studied in London. To secure the opportunity to pay for study, it worked as a photo model. Also, Grigoriev, nee Chernukh, taught music and led the chorus in High School Notting Hill, worked as a nurse at the old British.


Among the rippers Oksana Grigorieva, there were many famous men, but her relationship did not have anyone with anyone. Her husband, a lawyer Igor Baranov, if you believe the words of the Mother of Artist, turned out to be a drug addict, stole the money that they were presented to the wedding, and escaped.

Marriages with the British artist Nicholas Rowland and the actor Timothy Dalton also broke up, and for the scandalous divorce of Grigorieva with Chalk Gibson, whom she accused of domestic violence, watched the whole world. Now the stars have two children: Alexander Son from Dalton and daughter Lucia from Gibson.

the beauty

Oksana Grigoriev regularly makes exercises, developing soul and body. The star is engaged in yoga and meditations, and it helps her to keep themselves in shape, as well as maintain inner harmony. It is possible that it is in this secret of her beauty and an endless positive.

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