Bi ja blasowitz (character) - photos, games, wolfenstein, appearance, image


Character History

Bi Ja Blasowitz is a fictional game character, a nightmare Nazis, who specializes in secret missions in the enemy rear. The Hero of the Wolfenstein series on the way is found not only the German army, but even occult techniques. Bi Jay repeatedly changed her appearance, but always kept hatred for the Nazis and the desire to save the world.

History of character creation

The Wolfenstein series reference point is 1978. Then the developers of the Muse Software Studio are interested in the shooter genre in the aspect of Nazism. The basis took the game Berserk, in which the game character shoots robots in the maze. But, inspired by the film "Punches of the island of Navaron," it was decided to give preference to the times of World War II and science fiction.

The game did not raise praise due to the lack of graphic progress in subsequent replicas and too low levels of complexity. Muse Software, which also specialized in the release of software products, went bankrupt in 1987.

The series bought the developers ID Software. John Romero, John Karmak and Tom Hill have already put the first experiments in the field of 3D shooters and have long sought to make a decent remake Wolfenstein.

Wolfenstein 3D came out on May 5, 1992. In the game, William Joseph "Bi Jay" Blassovitz, American-Polish soldier (for some versions - Polish-Jewish) origin appeared. The hero has no prototype, it is a fictional character of designer Tom Hill. According to the plot, William turns out to be in the castle of Wolfenstein. His task is to escape from captivity in the initial mission "Iron Fist". In the finals of Blassovitz fighting Adolf Hitler.

The Wolfenstein Universe received a good response from users and critics. Until 2009, the plots of games are associated with the Second World War. The gloomy atmosphere of the shooter, where control is conducted from the first person, the zombies and other undead are complemented, demons. All this together with the Nazi threat becomes a business card series.

And, of course, B. Ja Blasowitz remains the main protagonist, which by now the scars is already scars and is not distinguished by excellent health. But, given the success of the game franchise, on the peace of the American soldier is still early.

Biography and the image of bi ji Blassovitsa

Bi Jay was born in the US on August 15, 1911. Parents brought up a boy in rigor, father appears in the hero's biography of a cruel racist. Hero's mother - Poles. The real name of the American soldier - William Joseph Blassovitz, the nickname of bi jay was given colleagues.

Since the first appearance of bi ji, fierce disputes were conducted regarding his nationality. One of the fans of the game asked John Karmak, if Blassovitsa is Jewish roots. The question was redirected to the main developer - Tom Hill. He in turn replied that the Mother of Bi Jay was a Polish Jewish, but the main character tried to hide this fact.

The Future Agent Us (Secret Operations) to achieve a call for age went to the army. During the service, William made 14 military operations, destroyed the top of the Nazi management and even killed Hitler.

For such merits, the character was awarded the highest award - US Honor Medals. After, joining US, he continues to host the battle for the salvation of the world. There is information about the personal life of the captain. So, in the early 50s, William met and married Julia Maria Peterson.

Arthur Kenneth Blasowitz was born in marriage, which will later take the nickname Blaise. William has grandson - Billy Blaise. Gamers get acquainted with the relative of William in another project of the company ID SOFTWARE - Commander Keen. Related links Bi Jay also with a doom hero.

The appearance of William changes more than once. Character growth - 193 cm, weight - 95 kg. At the first appearance, the hero appears as a dealer man with blue eyes and red hair. According to the plot, he is in conclusion in Wolfenstein Castle, so wears a prison robe.

In 2001, the appearance of the character is transformed. In the game Return to Castle Wolfenstein bi jay changes the hairstyle on a shorter, the hair is darker, and a bristle appears on the face. Clothing - ordinary form of an American soldier of the Second World War.

In 2009, William becomes a brunette, grow hair. The usual form is replaced with stylish black leather and dark trousers. At the root, the familiar story stroke changes, greater emphasis developers make on mysticism. So, the hero must encounter General Zetta, which manages the paranormal Division of the SS. The task of the fighter is not to allow the Nazis to master the forces of the Black Sun and destroy the plans to enslave the world.

In rebooting 2014, The New Order The developers were repelled in the description of appearance from the original image. So, Bi Jay is blown again, with a short haircut. The character carries a brown leather jacket, a checkered shirt, gloves without fingers. Martial merit was marked by several scars on the face.

In June 2017, Bi Jay became a player character in Quake Champions. And this is the only appearance of the hero in the shooter, which is not plotted with Wolfenstein. In the same year, Agent Uso popularized in a comic book based on the recent released games: Wolfenstein: The Deep.

The character is considered one of the most popular "shooter" genre since 1992. In 2019, Wolfenstein was released: Youngblood, where the aged and weakened bi jay disappears in Nazi Paris. Beach daughters come to the rescue - Jess and Sophie. But sending an old soldier to retire is still early, fans of the main threat of the Nazis and his sparkling quotes are considered.


It's all about that dream. There is something important. But everything disappeared, it cost me to wake up. Not time for dreams - it is necessary to think. That monster does not die, how much do not kill it - only the skins will throw off and the form changes. Their on my shoulders are harder. But I will try to keep it. Last time. And then I can relax.

Computer games

  • 1992 - Wolfenstein 3D
  • 1992 - Spear of Destiny
  • 2001 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  • 2009 - Wolfenstein RPG
  • 2009 - Wolfenstein.
  • 2014 - Wolfenstein: The New ORDER
  • 2015 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  • 2016 - Wolfenstein II: The NEW COLOSSUS
  • 2019 - Wolfenstein: YoungBlood

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