Mikael Spielberg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Stephen Spielberg 2021



Each porn actresses had their reasons to choose this generation. Jia Lisa (Julia Chirkova) in the 2020th admitted Irina Shikhman, that this profession is a way to achieve independence. Lola Taylor (Lyubov Bushueva) Motigo Most Maternity, and Dagestani Kira Queen (Hell Mahachev) is a feeling of protest. Eva Berger (Naudda Nikitina) stated that it lies her talent. And the adoptive daughter of the famous director Mikael Spielberg reported that I was tired hating my body and work without pleasure.

Childhood and youth

Mikael George Spielberg is the youngest adopted child in the family of Stephen Spielberg and his second wife Kate Capshow. She came to this world on February 28, 1996 and turned out to be the same age of his native daughter's sophobes of destroy Ellin, which appeared on the light after 10 months. In addition to them, Cheta has already raised Jessica, Sasha, Sawyer and Teo.

The girl, who, as he agreed, was formed a difficult character, the Star Chet took to him when she was still quite a baby. And already at the age of 11, she practically came out of control: life in the family of Hollywood celebrities with takeoff and falls postponed her a considerable negative imprint. Therefore, nothing remained, how to send the heiress to the boarding school for hard teenagers.

Staying in this institution produced a completely opposite effect: behavior, instead of improving, it became worse at times. In addition, child injuries were aggravated by the pupils, forleting mockery from peers.

"I came out with great concern and a lot of problems, greater depression and greater hatred of my body. While I lived there, I developed violations of food behavior. But this is not the fault of my parents, they just did not know about all this, "she told in an interview with The Sun in the 2020s.

To somehow cope with the wrong problems (anorexia, sexual violence, border disorder of personality), the girl began to abuse alcohol. Yes, so much that twice probsidate drunkenness almost brought it to the grave. Fortunately, this period has now ended thanks to the support of a beloved man and a regular visit to the psychotherapist.

Despite all the contradictions and difficulties, the father and mother were always on the side of Mikael. It happened even when she announced that he would like to go to porn business. Their reaction surprised even her: adults did not rush to condemn and read notations, but supported, stressing that their safety is more important for them.

Personal life

Nature awarded Mikael by no means model parameters, but despite this, a look from it is difficult. Sensual chubby lips, a lush bust, a shock of curly hair - and all this together with low growth (162 cm with a weight of 55 kg). At one time, before such a "set", the groom was not resistant to the groom, who was over a couple of decades, is a professional player in Darts Chuck Pankov.

On the connection between the lovers who marked the engagement and now living in Nashville, the choice of profession the girl did not affect. If you believe the words of the future pornstar, going to create only in the "Solo" category, it will never be struggling to themselves to other men and women, because it is incorrectly and dishonest in relation to the chosen one. And he, in turn, found the strength not to oppose the desire of the second half.

However, as often happens, in the personal life of the wrath of anger often replaces mercy, and vice versa. It did not go around the side and a beginner actress of films for adults, and an athlete.

In early March 2020, the media wrote that Spielberg was arrested on charges of domestic violence on the last day of winter and delivered to the Hill Detection Center detention facility. Here she stayed last 12 hours and went to freedom on bail at $ 1,000. Details of what happened did not specify. Chuck only declared that a misunderstanding occurs in which no one was seriously injured.


At the start of February 2020 in the "Instagram" account, called "Princess Vandalov", the adopted daughter of the creator of the legendary "jaws", "save ordinary Ryan" and the "Schindler list" made a scandalous statement.

She put the subscribers under the frank photo that it was ready to associate his professional biography with porndustria. The shocking news overnight scattered on social networks, including Twitter of the Russian "Cotonavtov", reporting on new films, serials, comics, books and computer games.

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Too long hating her body, who gave a lot of trouble in his youth, Mikael decided that it should "not lie idle," and work, bringing revenues. In addition, the selected "creative" way will help her become financially independent of his parents and will allow you to do what really I want.

The first videos in the category "Fetish" Mikael placed under the pseudonym Sugar Star (Sugar Star) at the notorious Pornhub website, where, to her surprise, users left all the enthusiastic comments. But despite this, they had to be removed due to the lack of the necessary license. In addition, the plans from the ambitious lady - become a striptease dancer.

Mikael Spielberg now

Of course, the girl soberly assesses the situation and is ready for the fact that the public and devotees of the father's fans will coordinate her for choosing such controversial crafts.

"For some reason, people think that it is them who owns the right to decide what to do with her body and its time, how to dispose of them and whether to respect them. Therefore, 50% of people says: "Show me your breasts!", And the other half declares: "How dares to dispose such a famous surname?", "She thought in an interview.

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