The largest family in the world: Children, in India, Large, Record


In Russia, even 3-4 children decide not every family. Despite the support of the state, such a burden seems unbearable. The difficulties of education and the issues of the content of the wife and children are not frightening the leader of the Indian sect to Ziona Chan. He fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the head of the largest family in the world. Chan is happy to live near close people, even in such quantities.

The editorial office in 24cmi will tell about the composition of the numerous family and how they manage to do not need food.

From bachelor to polygam

In 1942, a sect practicing polygamy was formed in India. Father Chane was her leader, and after his death, the son took the post. As a teenager, Zyon did not plan to marry, he was attracted by the role of a bachelor. The ambiguous attitude towards marrying him was due to the fact that he saw how the father is difficult to feed 7 wives and children. In 17 years, the worldview has changed, and now in India lives a large family, in which 181 people: 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughter-in-law, 33 grandson and father of the family.

Zyon Chana

In the village of Bactavng Zion built a 4-storey house, in which 100 rooms and 17 bathrooms. Wives live as a hostel: in one bedroom 3-5 people. The head of the family has a private room with a double bed on the 1st floor. Spouses come to it in order of queue according to the established rules. Often Chane himself chooses who will sleep with him. Choir find a note under the pillow.

A multi-storey dwelling is called "New Generation House". All family members live there, except for matured daughters. They are married, and they leave the house. The territory is used not only for housing. There is a school, carpentry shops, rice fields, buildings for pigs and chickens. Nearby is a guest house for coming relatives.

100 kg of rice and 39 chickens

In an interview, Chan said that it is possible to keep such a number of people on one territory and regulate their leisure time only with tough discipline, almost military. Lifting - at 5:50, Issue - at 21:00. In the morning, family members are going to prayer, and then diverge to fulfill their duties. Men go to work in a carpentry workshop or are engaged in work in the field, and women are preparing, erased and cleaned. Despite the number of children, no one sits without a case. Attention is paid to each of them. For daughters, some tasks, for sons - others.

On the day, 181 people require 100 kg of rice, 60 kg of potatoes, 39 chickens and 10 liters of milk. To sue dinner, women spend 2 hours. To cover the table and decompose food for hundreds of people not easy. Everyone is seated to places at 16:00, and until 18:00 women manage to feed everyone. The food is superimposed in accordance with age: from older to younger.

After lunch, women are removed in the kitchen and are engaged in the economy, and men go to the workshop for the manufacture of furniture and aluminum dishes. Brother Zyon is responsible for the work of the local school. Since all children of the Hero Father's Children did not fit all the children of the Hero Father, the lessons are different. Teachers are senior family members. Teenagers are engaged in football. The eldest son, who turned 55 years old, did not dare to go in the footsteps of the Father, so married only twice, lives separately.

Relationships in the family

The biggest family in the world lives together, the wives are not scandaling among themselves. The main spouse is Zatiyangi, he married the Chan on her 17 years. She is older than 3 years. In 2020, she will be 78 years old. She manages younger wives and regulates their home work. Younger spouses live closer to the family chapter, and older wives are on. Each of them admits that there is no rivalry between them. Relationships are built on mutual respect and trust. Zyon correctly distributes the time between all women, so there is no offended among them.

22 wives from 39 younger husband for 40 years. In 2020, the record holder will be 75 years old, but he does not intend to stop. Customized to go to the USA to find a new wife there. Each of the women admits that he loves her husband, because he is the main person in their family and the most beautiful man in the village. They call him "Capa", which means "father." Nhaizuali, which has been married for more than 20 years, daily engaged in her husband's hair, therefore he considers himself a beloved wife. He noticed her in the morning walk around the city, after which he sent a letter with a proposal for marriage.

The biggest family in the world

For the year of Chan married at once for 10 women. He is proud to feed the family without the help of the state. Men work a lot to make food and clothing to all residents of the 4-storey mansion. The record holder likes to take care of loved ones, he believes that he can afford even more wives and children. Residents of the village say it is a good family, because they have friendly relationships and complete mutual understanding.

In 2011, the Ginnes record book was made by a multi-community photo surrounded by numerous family members. Chana belongs to Mormons, and his religion allows you to take any number of wives. Will the number of Round in the near future it is unknown, but the man is tuned seriously. He believes that God blessed him when he allowed to find such a family. To marry the zyon - it means to provide a satisfying and quiet life.

Russian record holders

In the history of Russia, there is also a record holder family, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Alexander and Elena Shishkina 20 children. They live in the Voronezh region. Before the appearance of first-mention, the doctors doubted that the couple would be able to have at least 1 child. There were no speeches about multiwear. Spouses have a rhesus conflict.

The biggest family in Russia

To create comfortable conditions for a family, the father of the family built a big house. Parents and 10 children live in it. The rest grew and drove. To cope with the home "army" is not easy, but the Mothers help older children. Both parents on pensions. Elena Shishkin awarded the Golden Medal "Mother Heroine".

The family lives modestly, for a long time could not even afford a computer. Elena worried that the school often set homework, which are performed only on the "wonder-car", and its children have such a possibility. In order for all family members to feel comfortable, the state presented them with Gazelle. Spouses did not plan to become recordsmen and rejoiced by the emergence of each child.

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