Trinity (character) - photos, movies, "matrix", Kerry Ann Moss, image, actress


Character History

Trinity is a female hacker and an officer of the Nebuchadnezzar anti-government ship from the famous mediaphranssia "Matrix". Working on Morfus, the heroine takes upon himself the mission of the conductor of the Favorites, in the end falling in love with him. Throughout three films, Trinity immaculately behaves with cars, speaking with a mentor, and after and the faithful girlfriend neo.

History of character creation

The film "Matrix" came out in 1999, having caused an incredible response to the viewers. The creators of the masterpiece, the director of the Vachovsky brothers (later sister Lily and Lana) demonstrated the idea of ​​the world's existence as an artificially created program. The fact that the person is used to see is and how he feels himself - all this is a product of reasonable machines, which thus get the necessary source of energy.

Few may be free from delusions and go to the world is real. A group of like-minded people led by Morpheus, which in the matrix created by the program is considered a terrorist, decided to declare the rebel struggle against agents - fictional reality guards.

The right hand of Morpheus perfectly owns hacker programs and tales between the worlds to find the Favorites. Only he is able to end the war and release humanity.

The role of a senior officer of the ship "Nebuchadnezzar" was played by Kerry Ann Moss. For her, this film was not debut, but thanks to participation in the project, the Canadian actress received world fame.

Names, phrases and episodes Films carry religious references. For example, Priestess Pythia is already familiar to those who are fond of ancient Greek mythology. This is a cult predictor of the Delphic Oracle. Episodes when neo comes to a meeting to Pythia, the further betrayal of the Safefer and the taking to the arrest of Morfus remind the events of the secret evening.

From Trinity associate Maria Magdalin. The name literally means "Trinity", which once again demonstrates the reference to the Christian religion. But the image and appearance of the officer of the ship is taken from the Roman William Gibson "Neuromant" - from the character of Molly. Like a literary prototype, the heroine of the film is walking in a fitting black suit and in impenetrable glasses.

Character after success franchise participated in the project "Animatrians". This is a collection of small anime created by the directories Vachovski based on the "matrix". The roles in episodes were voiced by actors from a fantastic militant - Kerry Ann Moss and Keanu Rivz, including.

Also in 2005, The Matrix came out: Path of Neo, created by David Perry and Vachovski's sisters based on the film. The role of the playing character Trinity was voiced by American actress Jennifer Hale.

Tiniti biography and image

The main heroine appears at the very beginning of the film. In the story she is talking on the phone with the Safe, and then hesitates from the matrix agents. It also demonstrates a kind of transition between the computer program and the real world - through the handset.

Favorite heroine Frankranshiza meets in a nightclub. Her task is to bring Thomas A. Anderson to Morpheus so that he behave the truth about the device of the usual world. Heroes are constantly moving between reality and the program in order to follow the predictions of the oracle.

At the end of the first film, neo manage to kill the Smith agent, which was previously considered impossible. Trinity understands that this man is able to manipulate the matrix. Her romantic feelings in relation to the main character are confirmed by predictions. Pythiya previously predaged that she would fall in love with the Favorites.

In the second part there is a description of the events of semi-annual limitation. Over Zyon hung the threat to the invasion of cars, and neo awaits tips from Pythia. Having met the prison, the elected understands that his true goal is the main computer. Only with it will turn out to end the war.

Trinity in this part of the trilogy helps favorites to save the wizard of the keys necessary for the execution of the prophecy. During the mission, a woman is fatally injured by Thompson. Neo turns out to be a choice - save the Zion or a beloved woman.

Favorites can be returned to the life of a girlfriend. But the heroine is still destined to death. In the third part of the "Matrix: Revolution" the main characters go to the city 01 to negotiate with the machines. But the ship suffers collapse, and the officer falls on the power cables that are pronounced through it.

The final of the third part brought the audience another shock. Neo negotiates with the main computer about the transaction. If he managed to defeat the Smith agent, then the attack of cars on the zyon will cease. Not immediately, but the proposal of the elect is accepted by the computer.

Fighting with Smith, the elected understands that he needs to lose to become a replicant. The main computer sends energetic streams through the body of neo, which leads to a reboot of the matrix. The invaders fly away, the city is saved, but neo does not give signs of life.

In 2019, Lana Vachovski announced the outlet of the fourth part of the "matrix" in 2022. The main roles will play Kerry Ann Moss and Kian Reeves. The main idea is still consonant with previous parts and is the war of people and cars. But the details of the "Resurrection" of the main characters are not disclosed.

Trinity Character is incredibly intriguing, atmospheric and dynamic. In the first part it is she, an officer "Nebuchadnezzar", asks a common tone of the narrative. A woman only looks like a cool killer, although before the meeting with Neo she did not know fears and feelings.

At the end of the first part and then the woman shows another, emotional side. She is madly afraid of his beloved and not ready to lose him. Therefore, he plays the role of a certain conductor for a recruit, often saves his life without thinking about his own.

But if in the first movie Trinity divides a special position with neo, then in the sequel Palma Championship goes to the Favorites. The woman also remains the role of the faithful fighting girlfriend. And at least a common goal and is achieved by victims of both heroes, Trinity remains in the shadow of the elect.


Neo, I'm no longer afraid. Oracle told me that I love me and that the person I love would be elected. So you can't die. You can't, because I love you. I am grateful to you for every moment, spent nearby. And stuck in the matrix. Mold and listen. I know why you are here. I know that you will oppress. Why don't you sleep, why you live alone and all nights do not turn off the computer. You are looking for it. I know because I sought myself.


  • 1999 - "Matrix"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Reboot"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Revolution"
  • 2003 - "Animatry"

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