Marusya Boguslavka (character) - photo, Duma, description, characteristic of the heroine, image


Character History

Marusya Boguslavka - the female character of the Ukrainian People's Duma. In the work of the heroine personifies the image of the loyal homeland of a woman. Being a prisoner from the Aliens, the girl languishes in his homeland, it grows about the fate of the fallen Cossacks. The characteristic of the heroine includes courage, purity of thoughts, love for parents and people. The slave is ready to sacrifice the life for the freedom of Ukrainian Cossacks.

History of character creation

The first mention of the image of Marusi Boguslavki appeared in Ukrainian culture in the XVII century. The stories about the captivity of the heroine were expressed in the lyric epic genre of oral literature, called the term "Duma". According to artistic characteristics, these works were close to historical songs in Russian folklore. Traditionally, the Duma appeared in the work of the wandering folk singers - Cobzares, Bandurists, Lirnikov. The main topics of musical essays became stories about the life of the Cossacks, about the Cossack chivalry, about the Turkish captivity.

Marusya Boguslavka (character) - photo, Duma, description, characteristic of the heroine, image 863_1

The last thematic group includes the tale of Marus Boguslavka. In print, the text of the composition telling about the captivity of the Ukrainian girl by Tatars was published in 1856. Literary criticism notes that there are several poetic versions of legend of heroin. The author of the work is unknown. Despite the fact that in the center of the story - a real character who lived a few centuries ago, the image of Marusi carries, rather, a collective nature.

The heroine is endowed with courage, an open soul, self-esteem. Being in captivity, the girl continues to love their homeland, remember parents. There is no description of the appearance of Boguslavka, about the personality of a female character can only be judged by speeches, with whom the priest's daughter appeals to the captive Cossacks. The text of the legends is also not mentioned by the name and patronymic of the girl. The image is accompanied by the epitheats "Captive", "Popovskaya Boguslavka".

Biography and image of Marusi Boguslavki

About the biography of the heroine knows little. It is believed that the girl lived in about the first quarter of the XVII century in the city of Boguslav. Marusya was a daughter of a local priest, brought up in rigor, love for God, homeland and family. The house of the father of the heroine was located near the Pokrovskaya Church, in the Zarosan part of the city. If the rest of the urban area has strengthened the fortress, which had water barriers from three sides, then the Zarosan part was the most vulnerable in the attack of Turkish and Tatar tarts.

Marusya Boguslavka (character) - photo, Duma, description, characteristic of the heroine, image 863_2

In one of these raids, Marusya, together with other locals, was captured. The girl had to make the way from Boguslav in the Crimea, where it was presented at slave bidding. The beauty and youth of the heroine quickly attracted the attention of foreign people to her - together with the merchants soon the Boguslattaya sailed from Ukraine to Turkey.

The date of the heroine capture is not specified. However, according to historical documents, the Turks often attacked the piglery in the first quarter of the XVII century. From here we can conclude that Marusya left his native city in about 1620. In the same year, Boguslav was able to use Magdeburg law, and foreign people often began to come to the city. From the text of the Duma it becomes known that Marusya turned out to be a wife of Turkish Pasha.

Having lived in a harem for some time, the beauty has been placed so much to her husband, gained the confidence of the spouse that he gave the keys from the dungeon. Here, according to the legend, for 30 years, 700 Cossacks languished in captivity. The girl, taking this opportunity, opened the doors of the dunnov, released prisoners. A goodbye to the heroine asked warriors along the way to Boguslav, to hold Marusi's parents and report that they no longer need to save the daughter from captivity. During the time of staying in foreign lands, Ukrainian "was dying", now can no longer run along with the liberated.

In 1966, the narrative about the feat of the bold Ukrainian was presented in the cartoon "Marusya Bogusvka". The animation tape shows the history of the heroine capture, severe fate in the Harem of Turkish Pasha and the Scene of the Salvation of the Cossacks. In the cartoon, unlike the text, it emphasizes that the female character pays for the salvation of countrymen life. Morusi death scene is shown metaphorically.

The Soviet animation picture has an original musical design, emphasizing the expression of events. The narrative is conducted in the Ukrainian language, quotes from the text of the legend are used. Today in Boguslav, in place, where the Pokrovsk Church and the House of Marusi's parents were located, a monument was established.


  • 1966 - "Marusya Bogusvka"

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