Mike Hammer (character) - Photo, Detective, Mickey Spellin, Author, Description, Character


Character History

Mike Hummer is a fictional character of a series of books Mickey Spiellane. The New York detective was separated among the "colleagues on the workshop" with his role cruel, not to the measure of an aggressive person.

History of character creation

The American writer began his career with what he invented and amounted to comics for magazines. But, despite the number of works, as well as innovative developments in style decisions, this did not affect the income of Mickey Spiell.

Then the author decided to try himself in writing novels. The first work "Court is me" with the main hero of Mike Hummer was created from financial considerations.

Researchers of Creativity Frank Morrison Spielline (real name of the author) argue that the character "was born in the head" of his creator on the pages of comics. True, his name was different - a hole. But, despite the popularity of detective in novels, the initial image was not interested in publishers.

Denger also had a prototype. This is Mike Lancer, another spelllean character, stories about which were published in the Harvey Comics publishing house in 1942. But, even considering the abundance of heroes, on which it would be possible to refer to the characteristics of the T-shirt, studies demonstrate that the New York X-style detective was written off from his own alter-ego.

He put in the person of a hard and aggressive man what felt inside him. Spelllane's remaining without a means of existence showed the manuscript "Court is me" familiar. The initial reviews were negative. However, the opinion of loved ones turned out to be erroneous. Roman has developed a circulation of 6.5 million copies. The invented image made Mickey the most famous and in demand writer.

Almost every novel about T-shirt became a bestseller. The last 3 books were published after the death of Mickey his colleague Max Allan Collins. But the Russian language was never translated.

Biography and image of Mike Hammer

Decorated in the form of chronology of the biography of the main character T-shirt in novels. The author began a story immediately with a detective path of the character. But from some fragments of stories, fans of the work of the American writer amounted to the history of the detective life.

So, Mike was born and grew up in New York. The first job of the character is indicated in the novel "My revolver is fast." Detective was originally a policeman. In 1939, he opens the random agency and deals with investigations before the start of the war with Japan.

Hammer called on the army where he participated in hostilities on the Pacific Front. The hero remembers that over the course of two years he fought with the Japanese in the jungle. In the same place, he met the future colleague and friend - Jack Williams. Jack even saved the life of the chief hero, having lost his hands at the same time.

Despite the nature of Misanthropes, Hammer is not alien to the concept of male friendship. Subsequently, when during the investigations of Williams receives a fatal wound in the stomach, the detective swars out that he would revenge who committed such a cold-blooded murder.

Upon returning to the US, Mike continues a detective career. Now he removes a two-room apartment, re-equipping the room in the office. In 1944, he takes a secretary of the Empire from experience in strategic intelligence. A woman also has a license to deal with detective activities and further plays the role of the "Brain Center" in the team.

A kind of office had a minimum of furniture - a secretarial table, two chairs for customers. In the second room, which became the personal office of Mike, there was a shabby table, a chair, a wardrobe with personal affairs, a sofa. There was still a table lamp that was used as a safe, and a pelvis with water. The latter was necessary to carry out hygienic procedures, since Hammer literally lived in the workplace.

Spelllain's increasing, weight and description of the appearance of the chief hero was not puzzled. In fact, he consciously did not detail these moments, since it believed that the character should be a product of the reader's imagination. But the character of Hammer was demonstrated in detail.

So, Mike did not possess analytical abilities, never painstakingly studied the case file. These were engaged in Velda and Jack Williams. But he talented manifest itself in the judge's path. Calculating the criminal, the detective preferred to deal with him with all the cruelty, which is capable of.

He did not bother to strong expressions, in the colors describing future actions. But it was not waste. Hummer really embodied in the reality of the threat, not leaving the chance of enemies to call him a liar and brass.

Mike Hummer in films

Given that the bestsellers Spiellene diverged by millions of copies, Mike Hammer also contains an impressive list.

The American writer sells the rights to the fission to producer Viktor Savil. In 1953, the first film about the New York detective "The court is me", based on the novel of Mickey Spiellane, is coming out on large screens. The main role made the young actor Biff Elliot. Critics were considered that Biff could not fully demonstrate the role of a cruel character.

The second film is the "Ring of Fear" - also did not cause the storm of delight in the fans of the novels, nor the author of the bestsellers. Mickey wanted to the detective played his familiar Jack Stang. For this, the writer even wrote a script for a film processing, removed it with Stanga and sent SEVILL.

But at that time, Robert Oldrich, who was little worried about the vision of the author of Romanov regarding the acting staff, took up the producing. The main role in the film "Kiss me to death" was performed by Ralph Mixer. The actor played a pimpetor and sadist, and from such an amplua came in shock not only viewers, but even Mickey Spiellein.

The most popular screening of the adventures of Mike was the series 1984, in which the actor Stayi Kich played. Played image on the screen received positive feedback from critics. In 1997, another coster is coming out - "Return of Mike Hammer" with a king in the lead role.


When you stay alone, then you notice: what seemed to you silence, in fact - the jungle of quiet sounds, muted, incomprehensible, but distinguishable. How many people live behind the walls of these houses and do not know what happens to them tomorrow! Some people legs are intended only to walk, and there are other functions for the buzz. One of them is to distract me from extraneous thoughts.


  • 1947 - "Court is me"
  • 1950 - "My revolver is fast"
  • 1950 - "Revenge - My Personal Business"
  • 1951 - "Lonely at night"
  • 1951 - "Big Murder"
  • 1952 - "Kiss me passionately"
  • 1962 - "Girl hunters"
  • 1964 - "Shadow of Snake"
  • 1966 - "Creator"
  • 1967 - "Tel lovers"
  • 1970 - "Chance to survive - zero"
  • 1989 - "Shredder"
  • 1996 - "Black Alley"
  • 2008 - Goliafova Bone
  • 2010 - "Big Explosion"
  • 2011 - "Kiss her for goodbye"


  • 1953 - "Court is me"
  • 1953 - "Theatrical Van"
  • 1954 - "Mike Hammer"
  • 1955 - "Kiss me to death"
  • 1957-1959 - Mike Hummer
  • 1963 - "Girl Hunters"
  • 1981 - "Field for Murder"
  • 1982 - "I myself will give the court"
  • 1983 - "Kill me, kill myself"
  • 1984-1987 - "Mike Hummer"
  • 1987 - "Deadly Illusion"
  • 1988 - "Who has what versions?"
  • 1994 - "The worst time of my life"
  • 1995 - "Staircase in the distant past"
  • 1997 - "Return of Mike Hammer"

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