Unusual phenomena: people, animals, natural, video


It has been proven that the "stative" video in social networks improves the mood. This is explained by the fact that the symmetry and the completion of the plot shown in the rollers like the brain. On the fascinating phenomena that you will not meet in everyday life, but you will find in the "Instagram" accounts, in the material 24cm.

Lizard able to breathe under water

Lizards of the genus Analis can stay under water up to 15 minutes. And the pocket on the head, working on the principle of scuba, helps to breathe an animal. During the inhalation and reptile reptile, the exchange of air and carbon dioxide occurs through such an air bubble. You can watch an unusual phenomenon.

Spider and web

People notice the result of the work of the spider - web, and the weaving process cannot be considered in detail. On the "stative" video, you can see how articularly helps the paw hook another round of openwork lace. It turns out that it is impossible to watch not only on a working person, but also on a worker-spider.

Sand Dunes Sugar Desert

Dune - this sandy hill. Sand embankments are durable until the wind intervenes. Under the external influence of the dunes are trembling, forming a wave resembling the movement of water. And if people intervene in the natural balance, then the wonderful sandy rush will turn out, which fascinates beauty.

# Dubakchellenj

Residents of the northern regions love to share in social networks of kradromi miracle, which without the participation of people in nature will not happen. In the frost below 30 degrees of boiling water, which sharply splashed into the air, instantly turns into hundreds of ice crystals. Spectators of the "plump" frames are confident that it can be watching it forever.


The movement of marine waves can be found in nature, but to see the scale of an unusual phenomenon will be obtained only with the help of a camcorder. And no longer important what strengths form a surface running wave. The main thing is that from the frames where the energy of water is shown, not to break away.

Snake changes skin

Snakes - animals on an amateur. But to observe how reptiles thumps the skin and crawls out of the old shell in the updated dress, you can for hours.

Mucus in vacuum

With "stative" frames, on which the slim or "gum for hands", "Instagram" met for a long time. More often bloggers crushed or poke into the slide fingers. On the frames of this video, the owner placed mucus in a vacuum. It is not clear to the end, is it nice to look at the growing mucus or disgusting, but unusual video hypnotizes.

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