Elena Khazanova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



The artistic director of the Moskovsky Theater Estrada Gennady Khazanova is a big family: two of the only siblings and one sister on his father, the wife, the only daughter and a couple of granddaughters. Despite the fact that any of them has a relative of Elena Khazanov's relative, the woman nature also did not adopt numerous talents. She continues to create for the benefit of cinema, speaking and director, and screenwriter, and even a little actress.

Childhood and youth

The director throughout the life of "counter-and-cross" first was asked whether she had to daughter Gennady Khazanov and the sister Alis Khazanova. For these questions, the woman patiently responded with denial. Despite this, Elena, which appeared on June 1, 1977, grew in a creative family.

Mom Tatyana Fleischman - Actress and singer, served in the metropolitan theater "At Nikitsky Gate", worked with Oleg Tabakov and put her hand to the "birth of the cultural center of Vladimir Speksvsev" On Red Presnya ". Father was engaged in teaching mathematics, wrote books and scenarios for "Elash." Up to 12 years old, the girl diligently visited the first school in Russia with an in-depth study of the French named Romen Roman Rollan.

In the late 80s, parents at the invitation of communist friends came to buy in Switzerland. And, having seen all the advantages of this free country, they decided to move here along with the children (Lena has a younger brother Yuri) and a dog, asking political asylum.

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In a new place, the launch process was not easy: foreign peers were extremely distinguished by interests, and only 3 months had enough for the Jewish educational institution.

After moving, adults were divorced. The man was carried away by religion and married again, the second wife gave him four children. And his former spouse, together with his daughter and beloved, opened his own "Arbat" in Geneva, where we managed to visit Visit and Vladimir Mashkov, and Yevgeny Mironov, and Sergey Yursky, and Valery Todorovsky.

"Lena arranged the presentation at home, wrote scenarios for dolls, graduated from a literary class in the gymnasium in Nyon. In the same place, she was already removed. For example, with the participation of classmates made a documentary short film about the prevention of AIDS, he wanted to even take it to the schools, "said Tatyana Semenovna.

The ability to create films developed in a teenager for another 15 years. It was at this age that the girl twisted the world a debut film product, where close relatives starred in the lead roles.

Personal life

It often happens that people who worry on one set will grow so grow together to each other that their relationships go beyond the officials and become closer. The same fate has suffered and Elena Khazanov, and George Guireiro, who worked together on the express of love.

A novel was twisted between the colleagues, and the son of Sasha appeared on the world, subsequently starred in the film of Talented Parents "Sam". The boy inherited from adult creativity - he draws well (for his creations he even allocated a separate account in social networks) and to stage art. And the Father, and the mother of the souls do not have a heir in heir, his photos now more often than others flicker in their instagrama accounts.

The director does not particularly frank about his personal life, but willingly respond to professional issues. So, she stated that in a situation with the sensational "Matilda" to judge a movie film, without becoming acquainted with her, is nonsense. And what happened to Cyril Serebrennikov is a real horror. In general, as a film actor, a woman actively advocates creative freedom and does not support its restrictions.


At the end of the college, where the girl tried himself and as an actress, but in the end he refused this craft, she got a translator. The work allowed to podnak money to be able to attend scenario and acting courses. Talking about the start of the creative path, Khazanova remembers:

"My first professional short" anonymous "managed to remove in 1997, and then immediately the second" successful Delza ", visiting various film festivals. In parallel, worked, gaining experience as an assistant of various directors on filming in France and Switzerland. "

In the late 90s, Elena took off the next short film "Salad in Russian", Kinokartina brought her the first premium of the Festival "Cinema for all screens" in Geneva. After a couple of years, after the "culinary masterpiece", the documentary tape "Othello: tragedy and farce" came out, which entered into the fight for the main prize at the prestigious international Festival Del Film Locarno.

In the filmography there was a place for a full meter. In "Express of Love", the director tried to understand the relations and sentiments of Western peers. And "The Game of Words: Translator of the Oligarch", where Alexander Baluyev played, Sergey Garmash, Elena Safonova, Alexander Adabashyan, Nina Ruslanova, and turned out to be autobiographical. For the debt of the previous service, Lena became the official translator of the protection of the most influential representative of the criminal world of Russia Sergey Mikhailov (Migal).

On June 9, 2015, the premiere of the notorious "Parsley Syndrome" with Evgeny Mironov and Chulpan Hamaya was held in high roles. Ribe managed to conquer the "Kinotavr" and take away the prize named after Mikael Tariverdiev "for the best music." A year later, the "Russian Soul of the Swiss Cinema" began for the "City of Birds", but he did not complete him.

Elena Khazanova now

In the last february day of 2019, Russian audiences met with "mistresses" - modern "elusive revenues". According to the plot, the girls once and forever broke up relations with married men, pre-avenge them. But on this history it did not end: Muscovites decided to help free from unnecessary elder sisters on misfortunes, punishing and bringing into the clean water of their unrelated chosen.

A year later, in 2020, a "one breath", dedicated to the biography and memory of Natalia Molchanova, World Championships in Fridayving and the author more than 40 records came out. In parallel, Elena worked on the creation of new projects "Nadezhda" and "out of the access zone".


  • 1997 - "Anonymous"
  • 1997 - "Successful Delz"
  • 1999 - "Salad in Russian" ("Russian Salad")
  • 2001 - Int. Hôtel Nuit.
  • 2001 - "Othello: tragedy and farce"
  • 2004 - "Express of Love" ("Love Express")
  • 2005 - "The Game of Words: Translator of the Oligarch"
  • 2011 - "Game of Love and Case"
  • 2015 - "Parsley Syndrome"
  • 2015 - "Sam"
  • 2012 - "Uncle Laszlo"
  • 2018 - Libertas.
  • 2019 - "Lovers"
  • 2020 - "One breath"

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