TV series "Inside Lapenko" (2019): engineer, release date, music, memes, Zelenograd


Filigree humor, nostalgic characters, a cozy Soviet atmosphere, absurd conclusions - this is what the audience will see in the TV series "inside Lapenko". Created from the rollers conquered the Internet. Interesting facts about the mini-series - in the editorial material 24cm.

What is the series

"Inside Lapenko" is improvisational stories of characters in which the Russian viewer will find touching and familiar features. All roles in the mini-serial performed one person - Actor Anton Lapenko. The overall universe of all heroes - the 80-90s of the last century, captured in the VHS style. The release date of the series outside the "Instagram" Sketch - December 2, 2019.

main characters

  • Engineer Research Harmless, good-natured and ever made in adventures. "We have four corps of our Research Institute, and no sense. We invented some kind of wire strange. Why is it needed? For five years we work on it, "the quote, hazardous runet. The character did not give a name in Sketches, but the fans of the creativity of Anton Lapenko begged not to endow the hero any name in order not to "kill" the collective image of a rustled engineer;
  • Igor Katamarans. Asphalt paver, for the relationship with the ring in which the audience is experiencing more than their own. A man in sketches "starts in all grave": for example, a roller, where he dives behind the "prodliners" quickly became viral;
  • Correspondent transferring "Mysteries of a hole" shedding light on conspiracy theories. Suspicious and intriguing news of the new Leonid Kanevsky will not leave indifferent even the most serious people;
  • OCG "Iron Sleeves" - a parody of the gangsters of "Lichy" 90s, which, for anxious music on the synthesizer, discusses the next plan;
  • Rockers Rosa Robot and Shershnyaga as part of the Bagher Phantom Group - Thirsty Fames Pour Artists who are about to perform in front of millions or thousands, but they are constantly distracted by adventures;
  • TV preset program "Sdokhni or Umri". Rollers with his participation - the struggle for survival, and the emotions are even debugging.


In an interview with "Thorough" Anton Lapenko admitted that the popularity of his rollers came after the "repost" of one of the sketchy blogger Irina Gorbacheva on March 7, 2019. The format of the Sketch in Instagram came to users in the soul, and by the end of 2019 the creator had to think about the development of the concept in another form. This appeared Youtube-channel "inside Lapenko", and later - a mini-series, which is a 20-minute series, in which several characters appear.

By March 2020, Anton Lapenko already has 2.7 million admirers, and its show on IMDB gained a record 8.7 points. 22 thousand Telegram users installed "Stickerpak" with memes associated with the characters "inside Lapenko", and another 21 thousand tirelessly laughs at the "classic" quotes in Twitter.

About the creator

Anton Lapenko lives in Zelenograd and works in the Teparislavsky ElectroTheater Toroupe. Runet's star was born not just large, but in a huge family: the actor has 11 brothers and 4 sisters. The episodic roles in the series and inanimate - in the theater did not utterly upset a man, and vice versa - allowed to pay the time to their own style and decide what the soul actually wants. Lapenko admitted that all the plots are spontaneous, and the quotes are improvisational. Nevertheless, the "Phenomenon of Lapenko" lies in the fact that the viewers themselves think of references, parodies and situations that the creator used when shooting intuitively.


Several episodes "inside Lapenko" completely reproduce frames from religious films, such as "brother", "Brother-2", "Needle". Users celebrate a unique reference of the program "Sdokhni or die" to the TV shows "in the animals world", and "Mysteries of the hole" - to "The investigation was led" with Leonid Kanevsky.

Who is in the frame and for the scenes

Alexey Smirnov became the film director, famous to the audience as a Comedy Club resident. In episodes where the characters "inside Lapenko" are somewhat, the Anton brothers are sometimes removed. The production of the mini-series sponsors Medium Quality, supplier of new Stand Up, Comedy Club and Big Russian Boss. Nevertheless, the last word always remains for the creator. In an interview with Yuri Dudu, the actor admitted that he did not want to lose his style due to the intervention of show business. For the same reason, Anton abandoned cooperation with Ivan Urgant.

Scenery and musical accompaniment

Anton Lapenko is confident that in Russia, in the outback there is still a lot from the Soviet Union. Therefore, finding the background and props for filming is not difficult. Sometimes, of course, plastic windows and other "new technologies" fall into the frame, but the presence of these elements is more similar to a smooth transition of narration in the 2000s.

Special Sharh Shaw gives musical accompaniment. These are songs that cause a nostalgic pacification and the desire to revise the films "Gardenaryarins, Forward!", Seventeen Moments of Spring and others. In episodes, the music of the "Cinema" groups, "Time Machine", "Nautilus Pompilius" and others sounds.

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