Film "Come tomorrow" (1963): Lypa, Roles, Facts, Curiosities, Burlakova


Soviet comedy "Come tomorrow" about the talented rustic girl Fros Burlegakova, who came to conquer Moscow, was lifted by Evgeny Tashkov in 1963. The script for the film was written by the director and his wife Catherine Savinova, who performed a major role in the picture. The editorship of 24cmi amounted to a selection of interesting facts about the film and Kinolyapov.

Ekaterina Savinova disease

During the filming, "Come tomorrow" the actress fell ill with infectious disease and was periodically treated in the hospital, because of which the workflow was stopped. But the work was able to complete, despite difficulties. After the role of Frosy Savinov signed the role of Matrena in "Marrying Balzaminov" (1964), which became the last in her life.

Complexity with the main actress

An 18-year-old heroine actress played at 37 years. To approve the wife to the role of the director cost big efforts - Savinov did not want to shoot, criticized and recommended to take a younger actress. The shooting had to be transferred from the capital to Odessa, so on the "Mosfilm" there were difficulties associated with the influence of the director of Pyrhev.

About songs

In addition to Frosya, Savinova voiced the housekeeper in the picture. Also, all songs in the film performed Catherine herself.

Prohibition to show

After watching the footage, the leadership wanted to ban the film show due to a curious misunderstanding. The director was accused of the fact that in the frame hero broke the mask of Karl Marx, although in fact it was Herzen. In 2011, the film was renovated and created her color option.

Autobiographical plot

The plot line of the film echoes the facts of the biography of the actress - the fate of the main character and Savinova are similar to the smallest details:

  • In his youth, Catherine also arrived in the capital from the village to become a "artist";
  • The name of the village of Yeltsovka is not fictional, but there is actually in the Altai Territory, Savinova was born there;
  • In a letter to the native village, Frosya reports to his fellow villagers and writes real names and surnames;
  • Catherine entered the school them. Gnesins, where he tried to get the heroine of Frosya Burlakova;
  • The surname of Burlakova belonged to Girlfriend Catherine, Evdokia.

Kinolyaps of the film "Come tomorrow":

  • In the scene, when Frosya came to the sculptor, the authors made a mistake - at the owner of the apartment opened the door, the hands were in clay, and when the heroes entered the room - already clean;
  • The costumes did not notice that the shirt of Nicholas was unzipped from above, then on 2, then on 3 buttons;
  • In the scene, the trip of Nikolai and Natalia in the car when changing the angle, the rear view mirror is in different positions;
  • The letter of frosi from different angles is different: it is 5, then 8 lines.

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