Show "Bachelor" (2020): 2 Issue 7 Seasons on March 8, participants, TNT, Anton Krivorotov


The TNT continues the show "Bachelor". Participants and the main character, Dr. Anton Crivorotov, came from Russia to Sunny Portugal, where the events of the show will continue to occur.

The names of the participants who left the project in 2 series 7 seasons - in the material 24cm.

Group date

Instead of a general date, the bachelor decided to arrange a party. The girls were dragged under the playlist of their potential groom, but one claim arose to Antona - he paid too much attention to Cuba Barbar Pin who smelled him into the soul at first glance."I was unpleasant. He did not pay attention to me in the whole party, "the model expressed Olesya Romano..

Barbara, in turn, behaved modestly and did not show signs of interest. Later, Anton wanted to talk to some of the girls personally, and his most emotional conversation was with him with Liza Adamenko , a girl with whom he had an intimate communication before the project. Lisa said so frankly about his problems that bachelor told the phrase that she hooked her very much:

"I honestly, so you want to regret you."
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According to Adananets, there is nothing worse than hear the like that you like, and you expect reciprocity. The evening ended with tears and hysteria.

Individually a date

On an individual date, as it would be predictable, Dr. Anton Crivorotov called Barbara. In general, nothing special was not at first: a walk in Lisbon, a ride on a cable car and a romantic dinner on the roof.

The couple frank himself, Barbara spoke about her former husband, about how she moved to Russia and about his own character. The easiest of the meeting was the easiest of the meeting. Anton even admitted that he really wants to kiss the girl, but did not allow himself too much. Instead, he handed a red rose exotic beauty, symbolizing that it passes on.

Choice ceremony

The selection ceremony of this issue, which was to become mysterious and dramatic, was overshadowed by one unpleasant moment. Alisha Azamatova He received a note from the bachelor, in which he admitted that the girl was the most sincere and sexy at the party.

As it turned out during the conversation with him, he did not write any note, and it was an unsuccessful joke of someone from the bride. Behind the scenes Arina Makarova He admitted that the idea belongs to her. One way or another, this situation knocked out Alice from the gauge, and she began to behave inadequately.

The ceremony of roses was over that Anton drove three participants at once: Alice (for obvious reasons), Alina Chus (Not explaining the reasons) and Olesya Romano, the participant of the show "Plan B", which seemed to the Bachelor of the ordinary Huntry for glory.

Show "Bachelor". 2 series 7 seasons from March 8 2020 (video):

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