Anniversary Larisa Golubina: 2020, biography, personal life, Andrei Mironov, interesting facts


On March 9, 2020, exactly 80 years passed from the moment the Soviet and Russian actress Larisa Golubanka appeared on the light. While the star celebrates the anniversary, the editorial office of 24cmi will tell about the most interesting facts from the creative and personal life of Larisa Ivanovna.

Artist or not an artist?

In one of the interviews, Golubanka admitted that she still doubts whether she was actually an artist or not. The fact is that in childhood Larisa Ivanovna often said that there is nothing special in it, although she sang well in school and knew the entire repertoire Schulzhenko and Rockov. The actress also told that at that time absolutely any sounds could repeat, but her talent did not cause admiration for others.

"Think, you sing! Not alone you, the whole village sings! ", - often said the father of Golubina. The star admitted that Dad never wanted it to become an actress, since he considered them all frivolous. However, she still decided to go against the will of the Father and not in vain.

About acting profession

Larisa Ivanovna told that it specifically refers to the acting profession. According to her, it requires irrepressible vanity and the fanatic wishes of the championship, however, Goluboy has never had such ambitions. The actress admitted that she did not suffer from "star disease", she would never fight for roles, embroider a certain character and put hard conditions directories and colleagues.

About the "hussar ballad"

An interesting fact is that after filming in the film "The Gusar Ballad" at Golubina, who has played Azarov, appeared fans. It surprised her, since usually girls are fond of actors men, and then they began to precipitate Larisa Ivanovna. The actress admitted that the fans did not leave her alone about 15 years, but they never managed to start a friendship with the star.

About sexuality

Golubanka noted that he never considered himself a sexy woman. According to her, she was always slim, light and infectious, but here "halo" did not take sexuality over her. Women who always stretch men, the actress considers specific, since their charisma is manifested even at the moment when they just go.

About Mironov

Larisa Ivanovna said that her deceased husband, the famous actor Andrei Mironov, was very loved when he was praised after the end of the projects. Many believed that since he was the son of famous personalities, then everywhere came across Blat, but it is not. Such speculations were distressed by Mironov, so it was important to be appreciated. Golubanka noted that herself simply could not believe that her husband was an artist, because the rules "Sid and silence" adhered to, instead of criticizing or praise.

About March 8.

According to Golubina, she never liked the holiday on March 8, he even prevented more. The fact is that the 9th actress celebrates his birthday, and by this time he is no longer perceived as a reason to arrange a banquet, as it does not remain forces. Everything changed after Larisa Ivanovna married Andrei Mironova, because her beloved person was born on March 8. She really liked to organize parties for her husband, because she did not take offense that on March 9 for the holiday no one thought, but simply continued to have fun "inertia."

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