Andrei Hosak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Journalist, News 2021



Journalists who are remembered by the public with frank glances, and not public, in Russia really little. One of them - Andrei Khosz, perhaps the most famous participant in the project "Profession - Reporter" on the NTV television channel, the former editor of the Russian version of Esquire, and now the director, columnist and an enemy of the existing state.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Borisovich Visak was born on November 20, 1972 in Soviet Moscow. Briefified in the creative family of Boris Grigorievich and Olga Aleksandrovna (in the Maiden's Uvarov), graphic artists.

The art of Andrei Borisovich from his parents, however, did not adopt. On the contrary, he listened to the advice of her uncle Victor Kholok, an experienced "shark of the pen", and stepped on the thorny path of journalism.

In 1996, Hosak graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

Personal life

From 1997 to 2004, Andrei Hasp was married to Angela Boskis, his second sister. Now Boskis is a creative producer of the Carousel TV channel. With this wife, the reporter did not have time to get the children.

But Irina Filippova, the next wife of Andrei Kryak, in 2017 he gave birth to him, whom Bob is affectionately.

Andrei Borisovich adheres to liberal views. In 2013, he spoke in support of the LGBT community, took part in a series of single pickets for the liberation of Pussy Riot participants from prison. In an interview, the journalist frankly criticizes the existing authority.

The horse does not lead an "instagram". Recognize topical information about his life and the creative path helps "Facebook".

Journalism and television

In the penultimate course, Andrei Khospag was hit by NTV, the TV channel whose team was replaced by a family for many years, and the studio is a father's house. He started a journalist from the Leonid Parfenov program "Naming. Non-political news in the week "First as an administrator, and then as the author of the plots.

Journalism of the experience of Andrei Kryakov is multifaceted. He performed by producer, screenwriter, correspondent and leading completely different shows - from the news "Today" before the series "Russian Empire". But best of all, the Hosak viewer was remembered on the program "Profession - Reporter", the author of which he spoke from 2004 to 2009.

The focus of Andrei Borisovich was often "garbage of society." During the time spent on the NTV, the journalist was able to find a common language with drug addicts, nationalists and the Nazis, near-football fans, extremists. Perhaps communication with such groups, the analysis of their philosophy has formed modern views of the horse.

In 2010, Andrei Hosten left his native NTV, but did not break relationship with the management of the TV channel. In August 2012, these warm relations were fruitful - on the air NTV, his mokumentar series "Russia. Full eclipse".

The project is cynical, "in black" talks about the problems that dominate modern society: with an imaginary American conspiracy, homosexuality, fascism, eternal youth syndrome. Ksenia Sobchak, Nikita Mikhalkov, Anastasia Volochkova and other famous personalities participated in the shooting of the 5-serial cycle.

From 2011 to January 2013, Hospital worked as editor of the Russian version of Esquire magazine, and later, leaving the position, continued to lead the column. Until 2015, she worked on the TV channel "Rain" under the guidance of the cousin Anna Migight. Until April 2016, he played the editor-in-chief of the portal "such cases", later remaining as a columnist.

After leaving from NTV, the husk was seriously plunged into the director. The most sensational projects - the biographical cycle "Berezovsky is who?" (2018), based on the book of Peter Avena, and the film "Age of Disagree" (2018).

The last project is devoted to young people, which on the eve of the election of the President of the Russian Federation in September 2018 went to the streets and spoke out against the existing power. The focus of Alexey Navalny and the very idea of ​​the opposition were in the spotlight.

Andrey Lisp now

On September 5, 2019, the debut series of the project Andrei Kholivar "Holivar was published on Yutiub-Channel" Present ". History of Runet. " The name reveals the obvious goal of the director - to talk about the emergence and development of the national "web".

In each series, Andrei Khosca represents the personalities to which the Russian Internet user should be grateful for unlimited information to information, provides photofacts, and most importantly - recalls the phenomena that have long soldered in the fly and distinguishing nostalgia: nostalching routers, soaks, etc.


  • 2013 - "Russians go"
  • 2013 - "Anatomy of the Process"
  • 2014 - "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow: a special way"
  • 2015 - "Second and the only one"
  • 2016 - "Correct Care"
  • 2018 - "Berezovsky - Who is this?"
  • 2018 - "Age Disagreement"
  • 2019 - "Holivar. Runet History "

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