Danube Ivanovich (character) - pictures, epics, hero, bogatyr, image, fate


Character History

Danube Ivanovich is a character who stands a mansion in the epic legends. His story echoes three Russian heroes - Ilya Muromers, Dobryna Nikitich and Alesh Popovich. But, unlike them, this man is a person with a tragic destiny, who did not have time to find fame and honors.

History of character creation

It is now difficult to judge the historical prototype of the hero. Glowing passions and tragic junction in his fate is characteristic of Western European knights. The name of the Danube was common in Russia, so it is impossible to exclude the likelihood that the episos about this bogatyr are inspired by memories of the real human exploits.

Bind the origin of a character with Voevoda Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich. So, according to the Kiev chronicles, he leads a squad against Lyakhov. Vladimir himself is considered the ideal of the prince in all characteristics: both in appearance, and on mental qualities. In a huge number of songs, close warriors, governors, Danube are mentioned in his honor more than once.

The connection of the epic character with the governor is confirmed by the fact that they are both, anyway, deal with the Lithuanian king. Researchers suggest that in the epic, some real situations have been fabulous. For example, the coincidence of Vityaz and the name of the river led to the addition of episode with suicide at the end of episodes. So, the broken blood gave rise to the river.

There are judgments about the connection of the epics, in which this character woven for Vladimir Apraques at the Lithuanian Prince, and a real historical episode. So, in 980, Vladimir asked the hands of the daughter of Prince Polotsk Rogvoda. He was refused, so, angry, the Kiev prince attacked Polotsk and killed a rogvolode and his sons, and his daughter Rogneded to his wife.

Biography and image Danube Ivanovich

The adventures of Vityaz and his biography are traced in the description of the two epic: "Danube Ivanovich - Swat" and "Done Danube Ivanovich with good-friendly Nikitich". Actually, these two epic behavior are directly related to each other.

Painting Konstantin Vasilyeva

Russian Bogatyr managed to live at the court of the Lithuanian King. There he was engaged in the service, which was more suitable for the Hall. Judging by the episodes, he was a kept key, and a mustbow. While he learned the songs, playing on the husls, he noted the daughter of the king Nastasya and loved.

At one of the peys, a man makes a rash step - boasts the location of the heiress of the king. For such words, the hero want to execute, but Nastasya saves her beloved, secretly by sending him to Kiev.

On the way, the wanderer decides to make a halt and reveals the tent. Temporary refuge detects Dobryny Nikitich, who travels across Russian lands in search of a worthy opponent, with whom one could face forces.

There is no one in the tent, but there is a note, in which death is predicted to everyone who will appear without an invitation. Dobrynya decides to accept the challenge. He drinks wine from silver spell, breaks the tent and falls asleep for three days. When Danube returns to the tent and sees this picture, he wakes up the Russian hero, and calls him to battle.

Vityazhi went out in the field, jumped on her horses and began to fight. First, on the spears, then on the sabers and on arrows. But none of them never managed to defeat. At this time, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets left for the search for the weaving Dobryni. They heard the sounds of the battle, and striking Alyosha to find out what was the matter. He could not dismiss opponents, so called Ilya to help.

Ilya Muromets listened to everyone and ordered them to reconcile and go to the prince of Kiev, so that he figured out the dispute. Vladimir decided that a foreign warrior was to blame for a quarrel, so I ordered him to throw it into the cellar.

Danube Ivanovich and Nastasya

The senior's conclusion lasted long. Vladimir has conceived Red and Sunny to marry, but did not know on whom. Then Dobrynya recalled that the Danube visited many countries and is able to tell where there is a beauty for Prince Kiev. Brought Vityaz from the cellar and asked the Council. The former prisoner said that there is a wonderful daughter - apracks at the Lithuanian king. Ordered Vladimir Danube and Dobryne to go to Poland and bring the King Room.

Apraques, acknowledging the former servant, insulted and refused to match the match. Then the boys began to fight the Royal Guard. The king decided that it was better to give her daughter to marry, otherwise all the troops would lose. Vityazi took aproxes and pocked back to Kiev.

On the way home, Danube met the Girl-Bogatyrka and began to fight with her. He was dripped off the saddle, but before the last blow decided to look at the face of the enemy. Here Vityaz found out his love - Nastasya. The queen succumbed to the persuasion of a man and agreed to go along with him to Kiev.

On the feast about the double wedding, the young groom got drunk and began to boast with his strength and courage. Nastasya argued that he would shoot better. It grumbled heroes, and he called his wife to the competition. The queen managed to smash the gun on the head of the spouse. Danube did not want to give way to the girl and conceived to repeat her feat. But missed and hit the arrow directly in the chest beloved.

Dying, Nastasya revealed the truth - in her womb. The man ruined her inside and saw a terrifying picture - a small hero with legs half in silver and handles half in gold. Unable to endure such a grief and a sense of guilt, Vityaz rushed to his own spear and immediately died.

In the characteristic of the hero, judging by the episodes, boasting and quick-tempered prevails. At the same time, the image of the Danube is inextricably linked with the tragedy. A man faces a big grief caused by he himself. But it is impossible to count it to the villains. According to traditions in Russian fairy tales, the wife-hedgehog after her the man wins, becomes his assistant, forgets about the feats and is equal with other girls.

Immediately it can be seen that Nastasya could not fulfill his destination of a quiet and obedient companion. She, as well as his spouse, boasted by force and dexterity than to some extent, disgraces his man.


I do not need the strength of forty thousand, I don't have to tremble ten thousand, give me a fellow mother's fellow comrade, the goodnie Nikitich's hero. And you, Lithuanian king, the king is unreasonable! You eat-drink here, cool, you don't know anything on yourself. And you are, Nastasya-korochina! We will go, with you to the solar Kiev-hail, we will take the golden crowns with you. The whole city of Kiev does not have such a well-member, like Danube Ivanovich! I was in the lands of Lithuanians, he himself married yes Prince married.


  • "Danube Ivanovich and Kingana"
  • "Dountile Danube Ivanovich with Dobryny Nikitich"
  • "Danube Ivanovich - Swat"

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