Marina Balmasheva - biography, personal life, news, blogger, stepper, gave birth to a daughter 2021



The instaboker from the Krasnodar Territory Marina Balmasheva scored hundreds of thousands of subscribers, telling the story of her weight loss. Having dropped 60 kg, the woman in the live "Instagram" demonstrated the audience further "tuning" - suspenders, plastic, injection. In parallel, Marina shared the life of a large family, because together with his beloved husband raised five adoptive children. However, in the winter of 2020, the ideal world drawn in the blog collapsed: Balmashev said that it was raised and also started a novel with her husband's son, who under her for 15 years.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born on February 23, 1985. Communicating subscribers about divorce with her husband, a woman told about childhood. It turned out that the parents of the blogger diverged when she was 2 years old. After a couple of years in the family, stepfather appeared, and the native father came on holidays and on the weekend, giving gifts that Balmashev remembers and now. A girl did not feel any injury about his care: she was busy with study, household chores and games.

Marina grew in the usual rural family, where she had to help in the economy - since childhood it was in the garden, she prepared food, was engaged in pets. There were in this life and joy, familiar to children of the 90s, - dandy, bike, bright Chinese toys. All the skills of the hostess, the girl taught a great-grandmother who remembers the constant thanks and love. When she fell ill, the 17-year-old Balmashev and sister moved to her house to care for her.

Personal life

Big, punching marina rose into a girl with character. It was she who liked Alexei, the difference in the age of 10 years. The man fell in love without looking back, no obstacle was and married in which he grew up two sons of seven and nine years. He went to the 21-year-old beloved, with which the year lived before making a proposal of his hand and hearts. Balmasheva explains that they groomed with Alexey gathered under a prosaic reason - they wanted to take a mortgage.

During the civil marriage, the girl managed to pretty weight, which over time passed for a hundred. Marina says the ring on the finger allowed her to "let go of himself" and stop watching the nutrition. As a result, by 2015, it began to weigh 132 kg, which, with average, he looks like a catastrophe.

However, Alexey his wife did not have less, and she also established relations with his former wife Lena, becoming hardly her girlfriend. Measures and Vita Balkamashev also became native, and those after school moved from the Urals to Kuban, where they received the formation and became full members of the new father's family.

By the time Marina and Alexey were no longer a childless pair. After unsuccessful attempts to start the children, the spouses decided to adopt. Having come to the custody, they declared the desire to take a girl, but seeing 10-month twins Danya and Leru, immediately realized that these were their children. So in 28 years old, the future blogger became a receptional mom. Insert babies in the usual way of life it turned out difficult, moreover, they had serious health problems.

However, over time, the spouses decided to expand the family. So in the house there were native brother and sister Vanya and Nastya. Dasha came the last - a girl with Down syndrome. Alexey and Marina cared for them, without making responsibilities for men and female. And the Father, and the mother had a bathing of adoptive children, fed, drove for walks and shopping.

The charter be an unemployed Mom, Balmasheva took up to unwind a blog in the "Instagram", where it was shared by the success of discharge of excess weight. Frank and straightforward, Marina did not hide the details of his personal life, for which it was valued by subscribers who began to be calculated by thousands.

In December 2019, the blogger shared the news that many of her fans was shocked: the woman announced that after 13 years of marriage on his own initiative, it was divorced with her husband, comparing their family life with a rotten marsh. Insisting on the fact that the parting does not have any pleasure, the Balmashev, the main argument in favor of the divorce called the lack of love and the desire to live and develop.

However, after a couple of months later, the scandal followed: it turned out that Marina left her husband is not easy, but in the arms of his 20-year-old son Vladimir. The blogger did not be ashamed of this fact and shamelessly shared them with the subscribers, saying that with a young lover "feels like a girl." Now the joint photos with a stepmother of the mother regularly postpones in his profile, collecting thousands of rapid comments.

They boil about this and parent forums, where the Kuban blogger has already been discussed. And Balmashev, apparently, only that was achieving: her posts and answers to comments are calm and impassable, attention to it is growing, and the tone of the discussion has a large receiving mother, it seems, cares for the least. Let them say - just said. Haters and trolls only pour oil into the fire of its popularity, which leads to a blog of new subscribers, and therefore advertisers. It is no longer a phenomenal to lose weight. A woman will not be able, but to become a star yellow press - always please.

At the beginning of the summer of the 2020th Balmasheva really managed to become the main heroine of news chronicles: a woman said that she was waiting for a child from Vladimir. And in July of the same year, the woman reported that she became the official wife of Shavorin.

In January 2021, Marina and Vladimir became parents: Balmasheva gave birth to a daughter.


Blog in "Instagram" Marina devoted his own biography. Balmashev became a motivator for thousands of women who scored overweight and cannot get rid of it. Under the motto "eat or live?" The woman began to prove that the planned work over the body brings the result, and most importantly - the joy and the new quality of life. He also presented hundreds of thousands of subscribers herself, who began to follow how brunette from Slavyansk-on-Kuban gets rid of the effects of obesity.

Blogger "cut off" from the body extra folds, made a chest suspender, whiten his teeth and shone the second youth. Photo from the series before and after became the main driving force of the blog, which by March 2020 increased an audience of 400 thousand people. So Balmashev did not just lose weight, but also earned good money on it. At the same time, the texts of the blogger are famous for honesty and direct: it laughs at those who hoped to bring themselves in shape, eating a "magic tablet or frog caviar".

Another topic of "Instagram" Marina is a receptional parenthood. Photos of children and husband The woman also laid out in the profile, drawing a picture of his happy family.

Marina Balmashev now

On March 3, 2020, Marina became the heroine of the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether", which is available on the Yutiub Transmission Channel. This was the same for an ex-husband with his parents who were brutally condemned, saying that she was corrupted by their grandson and uses him "as a monkey", exposing in his blog.

Alexey told that his wife changed him with her son before the divorce under the roof of their common house, which he became a witness. Now Balmasheva moved to another city and drove into the apartment with Vova. The guy feels happy, says he loves Marina. But the five adoptive blogger can no longer see: she took her children due to the fact that she lives with her husband's son.

If a woman is experiencing about this, it tries not to demonstrate. She disagrees with what he refused children, and believes that together with a former husband, they will continue to live the same life as before. At the same time, they say that after the governor "Nonfiling" by the local bodies of the guardian, the degraded Balmashev wrote a refusal by aroused the authority to upbringing Alexei.

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