Prison "White Swan": the most terrible prisons of Russia, the story who sits


In 1996, the death penalty was canceled in Russia, and now criminals who showed cruelty, are sitting in prisons until the end of life. The content mode in such "institutions" is characterized by round-the-clock control over the prisoners and the inability to make escape. One of these places where even the "awesome" thugs are afraid is in Solikamsk. In the correctional colony of the special regime "White Swan" from 2500 prisoners, the punishment is serving 300 killers, maniacs and cannibals. The history of this place began back in 1938.

History of colony

The White Swan began its work during the Stalinist repression. Among the first "residents" were political prisoners, of which the priests were most of the part. In 1955, all criminals were translated into Mordovia, and already in the 1980s "White Swan" again continued his work, but then there were mainly "thieves in law". Many of them lost their title, began to come to contact with the administration and helped maintain order among other arrests. There were about 130 people in the history of the correctional colony.

After the years, in 1999, after the next reorganization, the colony became a shelter for prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment. The first 24 people were settled in a single chamber of chamber type. Earlier there "knocked out" recognition from "thieves in law".

Escape cases and enhanced security

At the stage of the construction, a special project was developed, which completely excluded the possibility of escape. In 2020 it is impossible to escape from the colony. A video surveillance is conducted around the clock around the clock, carefully selected personnel do everything possible so that the criminals abide by strict routine. The control is carried out by about 600 warders and 50 service dogs, and special signs hang on the chambers, where the article and a brief description of the crime are performed. This serves as a clear reminder to employees that they do not deal with conventional deboshirs and thieves, but with the most cruel killers of Russia.


Only professionals can work with criminals. Head of Social and Psychological Work in the "White Swan" said that the selection was conducted as in astronauts. Stress resistance, intuition and strong health are important.

In all the time the colony was not a single escape case, but attempts to do this were made. The biggest thing happened in 1992. The convicted saffron broke with a grenade into the office of the head and demanded to provide him and neighbor in the chamber transportation so that they leave the territory. Shafranova killed. After the occurrence has increased.

Conditions of detention

In the chambers of criminals contain 1-2 people. Who will sit in the same room, choose the psychological portrait to avoid conflicts and fights. All obey the general regime established on the territory of the colony. Lifting - at 6:00, and the post - at 22:00. Every day an hour stands out for a walk, walking convicts, although in the fresh air, but in a kind of camera on the street, they see the sky through the grille.

The working day of the convict lasts 8 hours, but on the view of the TV or listening to the radio only one and a half hours on weekdays, the schedule can be more free on weekends. You can only visit the shower once a week, while the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. They eat only in the chambers, there are no shared canteens for them. It is also forbidden to sit down or go on the bed throughout the day.

In the first 10 years of serving the term, long-term dates with relatives are prohibited, and letters and parcels receive them only once a year. Strict rules may mitigate for those who strictly follow the rules and demonstrates good behavior.

In the most terrible prisons of Russia, the deadlines are departed for which life imprisonment is not the reason to "put a cross on itself." They get acquainted with future wives through acquaintances, then communicate with the help of letters. The killers marry the zone, but they can do it only after a 10-year-old "rejection." If there is no complaints to the prisoner, then long-term dates with his wife are resolved.

The first years of "rejection" convicts is prohibited to work and learn. But self-education is allowed: there is a library with a large number of books on the territory of the prison. Some criminals after deepening in literature become religious, pass the rite of baptism. The killers lead the righteous life to get away from life without sin. This was repeatedly told the cannibals and rapists in an interview for documentaries.

Even the most dangerous thugs do not withstand the hard regime in the colony. Suicide is often committed in prison. If relatives refuse to pick up the body or a person was orphan, he was buried at the city cemetery. Not everyone copes with the awareness of absolute imprisonment and the inability to see freedom. Yet more than 70% of prisoners do not lose hope to leave the walls of the White Swan.

Right to Pdo

Absolutely any, even the most cruel criminal can be eligible for parole (conditionally early release), but to file a petition will be only after a 25-year-old "rejection". The complexity also lies in the fact that to get the opportunity to see the Summary, all 25 years of the convict should clearly observe the colony regime and not receive a single comment. Although it seems that it is impossible, however, cases of early release from the "White Swan" were.


In 1999, Alexey Bykov was convicted for a triple murder, but in 2010 he managed to achieve the revision of the case in the Supreme Court. The term of serving the sentence was changed from life for 20 years, and Bykov was transferred from the White Swan to a correctional colony of strictly regime IR No. 1. From there, he went out two years later.

The former prisoner Vladimir Pakhomov managed to prove the court that he reassembled in prison for the extra few years and even received compensation from the state in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. The first one's first prison sentence was received in 1981 for theft and since then practically did not leave prison. In his "all-service list" there was a robbery as part of a criminal group, robbery, theft, murder. In 1993, Pakhomov was recognized as a dangerous recidivist and sentenced to the death penalty, but the moratorium saved his life. Vladimir got into the "White Swan", from where it came out in 2014.

Alexander Schegolev (in 2008) and Vladimir Dorokhin (in 2009) were also published from the White Swan.

The most famous prisoners

The famous concluded "White Swan" was Salman Raduyev . Chechen terrorist showed cruelty, kidnapped people, killed them and tied. He was arrested in 2000. After charged charges and the court, sent to a correctional colony in Solikamsk.

Raduyev held in a prison half a year, after which he had a hemorrhage in the eye. He was sent to the Solikamsk hospital, where he died in a week. He began inner bleeding. The terrorist was buried without a name plate.


"Kamensky Chicatilo" Roman Burtsev Also serving the punishment in IK-2. He killed 6 children, some of them raped. In 1997, the murderer was sentenced to death, but in 1999 replaced her for a life imprisonment. Persistent on health, writes letters to a charity foundation, where asks to help him with medicines. It believes that he has a "bouquet" of diseases that are not treated in a colony.

In the "White Swan" by a permanent resident became Sergey Martynov . On his account 9 proven murders, there are children among the victims. He served in prison for 15 years for killing and rape of the child. After liberation, he returned to the past life, continued to kill. In 2012, Martynov was condemned and sent to the Perm region, where IK-2 is located.

Denis Pischikov which is contained in one of the most cruel prisons of Russia, robbed and killed 14 pensioners. He climbed into their houses, dried out on the street. When the next murder was preparing, his suspicious behavior noticed an elderly woman and caused the police. Pisikovov sentenced to life imprisonment, but he begged for another punishment. He was afraid of thought until the end of the life, to sit in the 4-walls.

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