Best TV series about viruses: Russian, foreign, 2019


Horrors in the Gorror genre make the viewer feel alarming. And if elements of the epidemic are added to the plot, the intense atmosphere of the film will allow you to "rinse the nerves" and after viewing. Series about viruses, after which it will want to put the medical mask - in the material 24cm.

1. "The Walking Dead" (2010-present time)

Frame from the series

In the center of the plot of the series "The Walking Dead" - the confrontation of the deceased, which became a zombie after infection, and a person. Sheriff Rick Grahims after the apocalypse is trying to find a place safe for living. Heroes will have to survive fear and to resist reviverable mutants.

2. "Virus" (2013)

The Drama "Virus" from the South Korean creators tells about an unknown epidemic, from which dying for 3 days. Realizing the scale of the tragedy, the team under the direction of Lee Men Hena proceeds to investigate incomprehensible deaths and is trying to avoid a catastrophe.

3. "Survive after" (2013)

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A triller "Survive after" directorists of Sushan Gligorov, Andrei Komarova and Alexander Boguslavsky hit the list of significant works on viral infection. The drama tells about the catastrophe in Moscow. After leakage from the secret laboratory "Top" Women of childbearing ages turn into zombies - Muurani, which obey collective mind and strive for reproduction. It aggravates the insulation of the city, at which it is impossible to break out of Moscow. 11 Heroes in the bunker have to survive after the catastrophic events.

4. "Stamme" (2014-2017)

The strain is the story of foreign filmmakers on the study of the vampire virus, which threatens humanity. Epidemiologist Efraim Hudweather with the team of doctors for 4 seasons studies aspects of infection and is trying to prevent the spread of a fatal threat.

5. "Isolation" (2016)

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The American drama in the genre of the medical disaster "Isolation" (the second name - "Quarantine") director of Charles Bison and Chris Grismer tells about the epidemic in Atlanta. The city is closed on quarantine, people die in a panic. In the insulation center there is a woman who survived after infection. Dr. Sabine Lommerrs and Police Lex Karnakhan will have to bring order in the city and find a girl who will help in creating a vaccine.

6. Lapsey (2018)

In the Russian series "LAPSI" directed by Artem Aksenko - the history of Virusologists of Faith and Nikolai, who went to search for a source of a strange virus in Karelia. Reaching the destination on the island of Sariol, giving immortality or impassing life, scientists have sorted up a mysterious disease, but survived. Colleagues are engaged in search of vaccine and at the same time restore relations that are destroyed due to misunderstanding.

7. "Epidemic" (2019)

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In the center of the story of the series "Epidemic" 2019 director Pavel Kostomarov - a deadly virus, in symptoms resembling flu. Everyone who was near the sick person is infected. There are no vaccines against infection. Country in panic. Sergey's chief hero will have to withdraw different people in a safe place. There are no fantastic creatures in the series, but there are people who under the action of circumstances and fear become monsters.

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