Polyutinelle (character) - pictures, doll, phraseologism, image, origin


Character History

Polyinistille - a popular character in the French People's Theater. Synonyms for this doll: Japanese, Zadira, Gorbun. With the name of the jester, the famous phraseology, which today entered the use of political aspect.

History of character creation

The origin of the French doll is connected with the Italian street theater. In the XVI century, the comedy del Arte traveled in Europe, in which the actors put on masks and entertained the audience with comedy scenes with elements of improvisation. Such a view of the People's Theater received geographical distribution. It is not surprising that this Italian phenomenon influenced the culture of other countries, including France.

Polyinistrel appeared in the country of romantics at the end of the XVI century as a living character. Italian performances first enjoyed in great demand in Europe, but in the middle of the XVII century, the influence of the church led to a decline of such art. True, in France to street comedians, the attitude remained positive.

Italian troupes are assselved there practically for permanent residence. As a result, the integration of the arts of the two countries occurred, and the characters of street performances slowly "moved" to the scene of public theaters of France.

As for Polyinistille, his prototype is Pulchinell. He switched to French culture as a live actor, but later became a puppet and settled in the Balant Theater. The name of the toys took from Italian, adapting to the French pronunciation.

In this country, the jester acquired a kind of features. The audience was seen from the scene of an illiterate vehicle with an unusual, even repulsive appearance. This is an ugly hump on his back, and sometimes belly. The doll has a long nose with a humpback, and on the head a supreme cap.

In the spiritual characteristics of the character predominates the desire to think and enjoy the public. The doll has a squeaky voice, and she is also incredibly talking and can not keep secrets. With this feature, the phraseology "The Secret of Polyliniel" is connected.

The expression value should be sought in history. Thus, in the Italian street performances, Pulchinell often speaks either insurgent things, or presents and so understandable information under the guise of the "great mystery". For example, a conspiratorial tone tells who now rules the country.

But phraseologism was born from the very "secrets of Polyinishia" itself. In the theatrical ideas, this character has a wife - Colombin. Woman changing their spouse with no less perky and mislearine. The hero himself does not recognize this, but everyone is perfectly aware of the adultery, but prefer to be silent.

In the realities of modern life, the expression "The Secret of Polyshinel" is used in the ratio of something that they try to close their eyes. What is so clear, but not worth talking about it out loud. For example, with respect to "free medicine" or "white salary".

Biography and image of Polyliner

In the form of a puppet, the character often collapsed by acuters towards the aristocrats. For example, criticized Cardinal Mazarini. But due to the revolutionary sentiments, Polyinistille fell under the ban, which led to even greater curiosity in the audience.

The government did not want to hear public ridicule to their address. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries on the streets of Paris, young people appear in shortened fins, with an incredible wagon on the head. Such a movement expressed an obvious protest against the current system, and such brands were called polyline.

After the July revolution of 1830, the glory of the comic character of the foam. Now instead of the doll gets the spread of the political picture-cartoon, published in newspapers.

The effect of an image of an Italian jester penetrated many cultures. If in Italy Pulcinell was a rustic slacker who spreads vulgar jokes, then the Russian character at the very beginning of the biography had a negative color.

Polyinistrel in Russia is a favorite hero of Parsley. Until the middle of the 20th century, the image of this merchant and Balaguore tied up with theft and fights. After the role of a funny little man in the cap is changing. It becomes a positive hero, which often comes to visit children's ideas.

In the Czech Republic, Parsley's brother - Cachepar. This is a peasant in Red Kaftan, which specializes not on absurd jokes, and on a satire - more often in a political veneer. The patch image is complemented by a feature - the red tip of the nose, which is not in his "fellow" in other countries.

This distribution of the character's image is explained not only by the wide geography of the tour of the Italian troupe. It is impossible not to take into account the mythological foundation. So, in some nations, in the primitive society, there was a description of the being, which acted as a link between alive and dead. Therefore, the image of such a character demonstrates something ugly, humpback, fourpall.

Accordingly, the behavior of this archaic personality is so different from generally accepted moral norms. Polyshinel is difficult to attribute to a positive or negative character, he simply refutes all stereotypes. But this permissiveness fell in love with the audience and contributed to further integration into other genres of art.

So, for example, Polyanistle in the form of a stupid servant appears in the comedy Jean Batista Moliere, keeping recognizable features of the character of theatrical jester.

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