Cryp-A-Cryp - Photo, Biography, Rapper, Personal Life, News, "Instagram" 2021



Cryp-a-Creep opens a whole universe in the songs. Love stories are placed in them, and issues of today, and questions about art, money, faith and many other things. St. Petersburg rapper is not afraid to experiment with musical forms and content, boldly risks and gets an excellent "product" as a result. This understands and appreciate the fans of the artist - the army of fans will multiply in geometric progression.

Childhood and youth

Rapper appeared under the name of Gleb Volkov on September 15, 1983 in Leningrad. The city on the Neva since childhood inspired the future musician, encouraging to create, compose, express thoughts and feelings on paper and in music.

As many adolescents, the guy was carried away in the 90s western hip-hop and rap music, then began to create their own "pen samples".

Personal life

The artist does not hide a personal life from the press, but also does not seek to make information about the family's family. Musician's wife Nadezhda Govalov is also a creative person.
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A young woman is a professional photographer, the work is nope puts in a personal instagram account. In addition, the spouse of Rapper writes poems. In January 2017, the Son was born in a couple.


The early creativity of Krip-A-Crip is in the 2000s. Then the guy with the musicians formed the first group "Transitional age". The trio released the debut plate "hip-hop ripening". The texts of the songs of this team were characterized by maximalism, frankness, rigidity. Another alf participant who played in the Fuctory project was added to the group.

The team has changed the name on the UBRIACO that from Italian translates as "drunk." The creation of the team continues to enjoy the success of the public. In 2002, young musicians produce a disk called "not in focus". Despite the fact that after the album release, the group will soon leave two participants, the project's activities continue. Gleb with the remaining performer releases releases "Give me a reason" and "Eureka" in the Hip-Hop genre.

Plates get high marks for brutal texts, underground sound and a common gloomy atmosphere, characteristic of depressive youth. The legends of the St. Petersburg alternative - Smokey Mo, Krec and Nevsky Bit were wanted to cooperate with the team. During these creative collaborations, plates "Kara-TE" and "no magic" are created. Hip-hop fans came to delight from these works, but joint music projects have long existed.

Later, a Crip-A-Creep, Smokey MO and other performers began to work under the new Def Joint label. Rap-compilations were issued, which included such Gleb's tracks like "SPb Part 1" and "put my compact". However, due to creative disagreements with the creators of the Wolves label interrupted cooperation. At the end of 2009, a Debut Mikstep "Peter Pwervet, Moscow decides" in the discography of the musician. Then in the work of Rapper came calm.

In 2012, the artist joined the Petersburg team "The sins of fathers", but stayed there for long. A year later, the musician returned to solo creativity again, introducing the fans the Album "Red Head". Preparation of the plate was preceded by the release of clips to the compositions "Study Fox", "Silent of Love" and the other, which entered the disk. The release of the release was timed to the birthday of Rapper. In the autumn presentation of the album, the musician held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At concerts, in addition to the singer, Gleb Friends on past projects played.

2013 became important in the biographies of the artist also because he first participated in Battle Versus, where Raper Oximiron became an opponent Gleb. In this "battle", good luck turned away from Volkova. Without disappointed, the artist later appears on Versus. Now the musician "fights" with Billy milligan and wins. In subsequent years, the Crip-A-Creep continues the solo career.

Cryp-A-Crip now

In 2019, the performer is engaged in new projects, writes material for the next album, performs at concert sites. Now, Gleb is now free time to upbringing the Son - in his "Instagram" a lot of cute photos with the heir.


2013 - "Red Heat"

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