Stars who are offended by the Golden Malina Prize: Hollywood, 2020


The premium for dubious merit in the field of cinema "Golden Malina" is an antipode of the prestigious film "Oscar" and is regularly carried out on the eve of the main annual filmmaking since 1980. In the 2020th it will be held March 15th. Participants and founders of antipremia each year choose the worst actors and directories in 11 categories. Celebrities, as a rule, ignore and do not participate in the ceremony. The editorial office 24cmi amounted to a selection of stars that were offended by the Golden Malina.

1. Sylvester Stallone

Since 1984, 14 years in a row, Sylvester Stallone appeared in the nomination "The worst performer of the male role" and became the record holder in this category - 30 nominations and 10 victories. In 2000, the founders of antipremia were going to nominate Stallone to the title "The worst Actor of the Century". Before the ceremony, the founder of "Golden Raspberry" received a voice message in which a male voice, similar to the voice of Stallone, said: "My films earn a cashier and like people, why did you stick to me, is it a personal hostility?"

2. Paul Verkhovlen

In 1996, the ceremony visited the director Paul Verkhovlen, who first personally received a reward in hand. His picture "Showgerles" won in 7 nominations. He promised the whole ceremony in the hall, and then stood and said: "Obviously, my film is entertaining you, however, not as I thought."

3. Halley Berry

In 2005, a surprise for the participants of the antipremia was the appearance of Halley Berry actresses at the ceremony. She got a victory for the role in the picture "Woman Cat". The star burst out, getting "Malina", and then invited colleagues on the stage on the film and with irony thanked them for the worst advice and false positive feedback on her game and acting skills.

It turned out that the speech of Halley in fact was a parody of her speech at Oscar 2002. Then she received a statuette for the "best female role" in the film "Monsters Ball" and long cried on the scene at the microphone. Spectators rated an emotional actress performance and applauded the star standing for a few minutes.

4. Sandra Bullock

In 2010, the Hollywood Star of Sandra Bullock arrived at the 30th ceremony. The actress went to Anti-Vagrada for the role in the comedy "All about Steve". Bullock came not just and prepared in advance for the event. The star put the goal to prove that critics did not even watched the film with her participation. Sandra Bullock brought 700 disks to a ceremony with a picture that distributed those present with the words: "Or you all look at this film, or now I will start reading it out of his script, page per page, and I will do it until the morning!"

5. Jim Kerry.

In 1995, in the list of nominees for the title of "worst New Star", which is the most offensive nomination for beginner actors, was then not yet famous comic Jim Kerry. For many rising stars, this nomination would have become an open hint on the fact that you should not continue my career in movies. However, Kerry, like most actors, did not perceive the nomination seriously.

The roles for which actors are ashamed

The roles for which actors are ashamed


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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Lawrence admitted that the scene with a kiss in the film "Passengers" was the first frank scene in its practice. To remove the tension, she had to drink a little.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Vladimir Epifantsev, despite all the originality, shakes his debut in the movies. It was the Tresh film "Green Slonik", which went to the memes and quotes.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Matt Damon considers his role in the film "Ultimatum Born" failure. However, the vinit of this is more than the screenwriter, and not.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Pavel Maikov, whose name thundered to the whole country after entering the light "Brigades," believes that this series can not be shown to people and very much regretted that he took part in the shooting.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Aniston does not like to talk about his debut in the cinema. The actress first appeared in the horror movie "Lepricon". At the time of filming, Jennifer was proud that he received a major role, but over time she began to be ashamed of this work.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Dmitry Nagiyev agreed to the role of Mikhail Lesnikov in the Kamenskaya series only because there was no other offers from directors. The actor never liked his character, so he left the project.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Robert Pattinson tolerate can not "twilight" and his hero. The actor does not understand why the film is so popular.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Paul enjoying more often plays good guys. To enter the image of the scum for the painting "bad blood" he did not like at all.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed


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