Celebrities, sick coronavirus: 2020, Russian, Hollywood, list


Updated August 5

A new type of pneumonia caused by a virus from China today is rapidly spreading on the planet and athletes, politicians and actors have already been in its victims. The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about celebrities sick of coronavirus.


1. Rita Dakota reported on August 4, that she had confirmed the tests for Coronavirus. She noted that it was possible to diagnose the infection only with the third attempt.

2. It became known that COVID-19 and ex-biathlete Anton Shipulin with family fell ill. He noted that signs of the disease began to manifest after rest in Sochi.

3. Spouses Nastya Ivelieva and Eldja infected with coronavirus. Details regarding their condition and treatment of Ivelev refused, but clarified that her mother was subjected to infection.

4. On July 20, the media reported that the Ivan Telegin Hockey player found COVID-19. It became known on the eve of the court session about his divorce with the singer Pelagey.

5. On June 30, it became known that the performer of Anita Tsoi was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics. She found a coronavirus infection.

6. The Emin Agalarov admitted that he had lost coronavirus and antibodies were detected in its body. According to him, before he did not report the disease only in order to avoid excess requests.

7. Actor and TV presenter Oscar Kucera also replenished the list of celebrities sick of coronavirus. The artist admitted that he felt bad in early May, the virus found both members of his family. Now Kucher feels good and ready to return to work.

8. Coronavirus did not bypass the Russian humorist Elena Sparrow. In the disease, she admitted only three days after the emergence of the first symptoms, since he was afraid of the reaction of the core's father and believed that the mention of Coronavirus was already tired of everyone.

9. The French actress Marion Cotionar also turned out to be among the sick coronavirus stars. The disease told her beloved by Guillae Kane, noting that they were infected together.

10. Coronavirus infection reported actress Alyona Babenko. She noted that it was for this reason that the project "Dances with the Stars" left and immediately locked at home. According to her, now the disease retreats.

11. Coronavirus also infected the ex-soloist of the Chelsea Group Roman Arkhipov. He told that she passed the smear and his positive result came.

12. Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov and the figure skater Tatiana Navka on May 12 reported that they passed the test for Coronavirus, which turned out to be positive. Now spouses in the hospital, Navka transfers the disease much easier than her spouse.

13. The famous Russian singer Vlad Sokolovsky admitted that his test on COVID-19 gave a positive result. According to him, the first symptoms became a wet cough and a high temperature.

14. Actor Peter Krasilov, the star of the TV series "Poor Nastya" and "Do not be born beautiful," said that he was infected with coronavirus. He felt ailment, caused ambulance. The result of the test was positive. Fortunately, the disease occurs in a light form.

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Stars that earn on coronavirus

15. Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva also confirmed that it turned out to be infected with coronavirus infection.

16. Fashion historian, the leading program "Fashion sentence" Alexander Vasilyev told that he got into communurgus with pneumonia. Now the showman expects the test results on COVID-19. On April 16, the results of his test came, which turned out to be negative, on April 21, the star was discharged.

17. Stas Mikhailov told that he had a coronavirus infection. He had repeatedly cured from bilateral pneumonia, and his test on COVID-19 was positive.

18. Pink's singer told that he had sorted by coronavirus. According to her, the struggle lasted almost three weeks, the disease was hard. It was infected with her three-year-old son Jason. Now they both completely got rid of infection.

19. Test for Coronavirus Stars of the series "Deffchonki" Galina Bob gave a positive result. The cause of concern actress was the loss of smell, because before this her husband was held with high temperatures. The celebrity did not feel the smell of coffee, garlic, perfume. There are no other symptoms of the disease.

20. Hope Babkin Doctors hospitalized on April 6. Already 7 of the media reported that the star was introduced into the medical departure, but two tests for Coronavirus were still negative. Nevertheless, doctors see no reasons for joy, suspecting that the virus mutated. On April 12, the Executive Director of the Russian Song Theater Anton Sobyanin said that a positive dynamics was observed in the star well.

However, on April 14, the elder edition with reference to the representatives of the hospital, where Babkina is treated, reported that the pneumonia singer was caused by coronavirus, but there is no official confirmation. At the moment, the actress is already in consciousness.

21. Model Victoria's Secret Aleksina Graham March 31 was among the celebrities sick of coronavirus. As of April 7, the model feels much better and is at home.

22. Writer Boris Akunin on March 26 reported that she was "lying at home with fashionable illness." He got sick on March 13, now the state of Akunin is normal.

23. Prince Charles The disease was found on March 25, the analysis on a coronavirus infection was positive. March 31, the media reported his recovery.

24. The Russian artist of Lev Leshchenko, together with his wife, was hospitalized on March 24 with suspicion of Coronavirus. April 3, 2020 news appeared that new tests of the singer Dali. negative result For the presence of a virus in the body. On April 6, the Mother was discharged from the hospital.

25. Swedish eco-activist Greta Tunberg told on March 24, which was infected with coronavirus infection. Now the activist feels fine.

26. The media reported that the convict for the age of 23 for the sexual harassment of the producer Harvey Weinstein on March 23 was found signs of infection with coronavirus. Later it was reported that celebrities managed to cure.

27. The Spanish Opera Singer Placido Domingo on March 22 reported that he was infected with coronavirus. Already on March 30, the media declared his discharge.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

28. The author of the songs Andrew Watt on March 17, reported that he had replenished the list of celebrities, sick of coronavirus. Now the media is not talking about his state.

29. The actor of the series "The Game of Thrones" Christopher Khillue on March 17 reported that she passed a positive test for Coronavirus COVID-19.

30. British actor Idris Elba also told fans that his tests for Coronavirus gave a positive result. Now the artist notes that he feels good.

31. Actress Olga Kurilenko on March 15 told fans that a week was already at home on Quarantine with a diagnosis of Koronavirus. March 23, she declared recovery.

32. Hollywood actor Tom Hanks on March 12 told fans that pneumonia was sick with his wife Rita Wilson. They became the first celebrities infected with coronavirus. On March 17, it became known that the stars were discharged from the hospital.


1. In the second half of June, it became known that the coronavirus infection was found at the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The politician remained at home for self-insulation, his condition does not cause concern.

2. Coronavirus discovered in the Belgian Prince Joachim. It is suspected that he has become infected while participating in an illegal party in Spain.

3. The head of Tuva Sholban Kara Ool also added a list of politicians infected with coronavirus. According to him, besides him, several more officials were hospitalized.

4. The Minister of Culture of Russia Olga Lyubimova infected Coronavirus. The disease occurs in a light form, the politician works out of the house.

5. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was also confirmed by the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustina. All in contact with it will examine.

6. 71-year-old Minister of Health of Israel Yaakov Listisma on April 2 received a positive result of coronavirus test. Confirmed viral pneumonia and his spouse.

7. Information was received on March 27, that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sick Covid-19. On April 6, he was urgently hospitalized. According to foreign media data, it was connected to the devices of artificial ventilation of the lungs.

8. He infected with a new coronavirus infection on March 24 and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari. The 82-year-old politician noted that he feels good. Previously, this diagnosis was confirmed by his wife.

The famous people who died due to coronavirus

The famous people who died due to coronavirus

9. It became known that Prince Monaco Albert II on 19 March came to the number of politicians infected with coronavirus. 31 numbers he managed to cure.

10. Inped March 19 and Chairman of the Brazilian Senate Davi Alculumbra. The disease was confirmed from him only after the second test.

11. Minister of Environmental Protection of Poland Michal Warrier on March 17 reported infection with viral infection. He noted that he feels good.

12. Former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana on March 14, he also turned out to be among the famous people infected with coronavirus infection.

13. A positive result of March 14 was given and analyzes the Indonesian Minister of Transport Budi Karia Sumydoud.

14. Deputy head of the Ministry of Health of Italy Pierpolo Silery on March 14, he contacted viral infection.

15. Mayor Miami Francis Suarez became infected with viral pneumonia on March 13 after a meeting with Brazil President Zhair Bryson. According to some data, the last analyzes did not give a positive result.

16. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Australia, Peter Dutton published the news on March 13 that Coronavirus was confirmed from him.

17. The List of Coronavirus Coronavirus, Frank Rister, was also included in the list of celebrities. Signs of illness appeared in politics after visiting the National Assembly.

18. The press service of the Canadian government on March 12 stated that the analyzes for Coronavirus from the spouse of Prime Minister Canada Justin Trudo Sophie were positive. On March 28, it became known that she managed to recover.

19. He infected with dangerous pneumonia on March 5 and became the first sick in parliament Minister of Health of the UK Nadin Dorris.

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