Korotran Strike (character) - Photo, TV series, actor, detectives, Joan Rowling


Character History

Korotran Strike is the main hero of detectives Joan Rowling, written by her under the pseudonym Robert Galbreyt. For the first time, the character appears in the novel "Call of Cuckoo", published in 2013.

History of character creation

The bizarre name is Corporan chosen by the writer is no coincidence. He was talented Giant, who lived on St. Michaels Mount Island, and Rowling wanted her character to be associated with a mighty and brave person. The fans of the writer saw the reference to another hero - Hagrida alone.

Biography and image of stern

The mother of Kormorana was an eccentric woman: she went to give birth to her homeland in Cornwall, and the legendary name chose him precisely because of his Cornish roots. Its act was strange also because before that she did not show longing for native places and generally tried to divert from their roots. The father of the boy was a rock musician who flatly refused to participate in the education of the child. With Corporal, they are already encountered by adults - the Son appealed to him for help in the opening of a detective agency. Mother suffering from drug addiction died when the feed was 20.

According to the description of its appearance, the character does not differ at attractiveness: this is a sharp full man with briefly marked untidy hair. During the service in Afghanistan, he lost his legs and since then moves with a prosthesis. The author notes that the strike looks like a loser boxer, "only with the abdomen." He is ease - in the books and the screen vendors to him for 40.

Korotran works by a private detective, and for him it is not just a job, but a true vocation. In the wanted of criminals, the secretary of Robin Ellakott, who later became its full-fledged partner. Strike lives in a small room at his own office, it is mainly powered by fast food and a soluble noodle, and judging by the number of beer, which he drinks daily, he has obvious alcohol problems.

Vesunchik feed is difficult to call. Fate is constantly turning from a talented detective: money ends at the most inopportune moment, friends betrayed, and relatives denied support. Despite the proprietary growth and non-real courage, the strike is not superherior at all: he was morally injured in childhood and since then in itself suppresses the desire for love and affection. The awareness that he really loves Robin, the character takes the whole 4 books.

It is noticeable that the writer belongs to his hero warmly and always performs on his side: if the focus is angry, then there is a good reason if it fails - this is most often a bad confluence of circumstances. Rowling fans dubbed the hero of "grew up Harry Potter", as both characters have a lot in common. In childhood, they were abandoned by those who had to support them, eat in close rooms, live in an atmosphere of unacceptable glory, greatly complicating life.

Like Harry, focusing caring towards close and at the same time is often inattentive to himself. He is a non-merging person with a kind sense of humor, whose witty quotes often help to discharge the situation.

With the personal life of the hero, the situation is not easy. In the past, the feeder is a stormy romance with a wealthy aristocratic Charlotte Ross, which, judging by the hints, was distinguished by a monstrous character. The collapse of the relationship imposed a serious imprint to the further fate of the face, for a long time having deprived him of interest in love adventure. Through all the books of the series passes the sluggish love line with Robin: despite the fact that the feelings are mutual, the girl is not ready to give preference to a colleague, preferring a relationship with a more secured partner. Subsequently, Robin marries his groom, but the feeling towards the feed is still living in her heart.

In the first book, Strike with the assistant investigate the suicide of the fashion model Lula Landry, and in the continuation - the murder of the writer Owen Quina. In the third part, unknown criminals force the detectives to look for sinister secrets in their past, gave him a box with cut in the same place as he, female leg. A terrible parcel is accompanied by a note with a quote, exactly coinciding with a tattoo on the body of the mother of the feed. In the fourth book, the focus is made on personal relationships a private relationship with Robin: An unhappy marriage makes the girl reconsider his friendship with a colleague, and he finally realizes his feelings and takes a step towards her.

Corporan Strike in films

In 2017, BBC released the series based on the 3rd books of the Cycle of the Fishing Straight. Tom Burke played the main role in it, and Robin - Hollide Granger. In the filmization, the heroes turned out more attractive than they are described in the books, but the essence of the characters the actors were delivered for sure.

Despite the differences in appearance and a small shift of chronology, televersives were recognized as critics and spectators worthy, although not too unfolded - the events of the 3rd books fit only 7 episodes. By the way, the literary material remained for the film, however, there was no continuation yet.


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  • 2013 - "Cowing Cuckoo"
  • 2014 - "Silkwall"
  • 2015 - "In the service of evil"
  • 2018 - "Mortal White"


  • 2017 - "Strike"

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