Darth Revan (character) - photos, movies, "Star Wars", computer games


Character History

Darth Revan - Character of the Universe of Star Wars, Jedi, who became a legend in the era of the old wars of Sitchov. Known under the nicknames revengery and the prodigal knight. Hero's life is filled with bright and dangerous adventures in which the dual essence of his personality is manifested.

History of character creation

For the first time Darth Revan appears in the Star Wars computer game: Knights of the Old Republic. The authors of this hero, as well as the remaining characters of the game, became gamendisair James Olin, Writer and Writer Drew Carpishis, composer Jeremy Soul and other specialists. The image of the warrior was carefully thought out. When heighting 175 cm, the character is endowed with a lot of power. The appearance of a man is bright and memorable - possessing bright skin, reban has black hair and brown eyes.

Much attention was paid by the authors to work out the psychological characteristics of the hero. The game emphasizes that in the formation of the person's personality, the attire played a major role, which became the first teacher of the young man. It was Hero who introduced the hero with an unusual look at the nature of the Force, proposed to study not only her light side, and also revealed the philosophy of vulnerable points. Being both Jedi and Sitch, the character did not blindly obey the teachings of any of the parties, remained faithful to her own beliefs.

Biography Darta Revan

The games describe events that had a place to be 4,000 years before the story disclosed in the films of the original trilogy. From the biography of the warrior it is known that he was born about 3994 to the battle of Javin. As young, the hero is accepted into the Order of the Jedi. The first teacher for a young man becomes carees. Then other masters took up and learning the character. The young man demonstrated a great interest in science, intelligence and gifts.
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Part of the Jedi pinned considerable hopes on Padavan, part feared that the warrior could go to the dark side. While disputes were born between teachers, the character diligently studied and soon received the title of knight-jedi. During this period, the hero creates the first light sword.

When Mandalorian Wars began, Revan, not consistent with the decision of the Council, held by neutrality in hostilities, spoke against the invaders. Together with another Malak, a young warrior created the direction "Revenge". The young man finds a mask in the form of a helmet belonging to an unknown Mandalorian woman. Revan assigned a mask for himself and stated that he would not remove until he would triumph over the neocressonians.

Later, young commanders won the neocressonians, after which they went to look for the Empire of Sith, the instigator of Mandalor wars. Having reached the goal, Revan and Malak tried to fight with Emperor Sith Darth Vichet, however, they lost in an unequal battle and voluntarily became followers of the ruler's teachings.

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The proximity of the dark side has awakened in the characters of young cruelty and authority. Soon the interests of the warriors changed - they betrayed their teachers, freed from his influence and became the founders of their own empire, Darth Revan and Darth Malak. As a more experienced warrior, the character took upon himself the role of the teacher, and Malaka did his student. The next stage, the hero found the conquest and reform of the republic.

To this end, the warrior went to Rakatanian "Star Bunner", where a powerful cosmic fleet was created for him. Here, former Jedi received a special robe - armor. According to the description, she resembled a mantle for which a part of the dark power has passed. This made the owner more and rushing physically.

A year later, Dark Jedi returned to the republic and announced the war. Unexpected for the hero turned out to be a betrayal of the best friend, Malaka. The young man was captured by the Jedi. After the captivity, the Council decided to erase the memory of the Sith lord - the hero was sent to the battlefield as a simple soldier. During this period, Revan had to serve under the command of the Shan Bastille.

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After a while, Revan recalls how I was looking for a "forge." It encourages the Council to start learning the hero to the art of the Jedi - after all, only this "traitor" can help the republic in search of arms of Sitchov. Soon, together with other warriors, the young man goes to Lehon's system, located in a poorly explored corner of the Galaxy, where he detects his Malak. The Republican Fleet, meanwhile, destroys Armada Sitchov and "Forge".

After hostilities, Reban is captured by Darth Nariss and Lord. After 4 years of imprisonment, the warrior frees the former subordinate mitra Surik. Sounds joined the heroes, but soon he betrays Reven. The character again enters the prison of Sitchov, already for 300 years, but even behind bars is trying to remotely influence the consciousness of the emperor, encouraging that to postpone the battle with the republic.

After the Great Galactic War, the Hero liberate the Republicans. Now the former captive is busy creating the army of droids who will fight with the Empire of Sitchov. Sitchi tried to kill Jedi, but at this point the consciousness of the warrior was divided. With force, a bright side of his personality remained. The dark part of the consciousness prompted Revan to try to return the Spirit of Vischant to his body, and after killing the enemy. The actions of the character forced the Republic and the Empire of Sitchov to unite to destroy the warrior. The "dark" side of the hero was destroyed, and the Jedi himself united with his "light" beginning.

Darth Revan in Computer Games

In computer games, Paul Hero may vary at the request of the playing. Darth Revan appears in two versions of the game. In the 2003 game, the role of the character is voiced by actor Rino Romano, in the online version of 2011 - Jeff Bennett. In addition to computer games, the warrior appears in the book Drew Carpishisk "Revan". Here, in addition to the storylines known on a computer game, it is described about the romantic relations of the Bastille Shan and Revan.

The hero does not wait for the son of his son, Vaper Shana, as Sitchov gets captured. 50 years after the disappearance of the beloved Bastil, the son of whom his own children appear by that time, which feels like a warrior trying to contact her. In addition, a woman understands that Revan managed to stop the evil threatening the galaxy. The mention of the hero appears in the first book of the trilogy of the carpishine "Darth Bain".


Bastil: The fact that you have a huge force and at the same time little studied little, can have very unpleasant consequences. And for you, and for others. Rewank: You can warn when I do something bad. Migai once in the dark, twice - for the light. Related: I should not know anything. Everything is good that I have done, will not be able to balance the former evil. Bastil: Do not say that. They can not blame you in what happened. Not now. You are not the one who was before. Revan, whom I know, hero. Warrior of Light. Malak drew me on the dark side, and you helped return.


  • 2006 - "Darth Bain: the path of destruction"
  • 2011 - "Star Wars. Old Republic: Revan "

Computer games

  • 2003 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • 2005 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
  • 2011 - Star Wars: The Old Republic

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