Orson Wells - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



The biography of the American director and actor Oron Wells is shrouded in legends. Woodwood sorcerers who played in his theatrical formulation of Macbeth, imposed a curse for criticism, unflattered response about the performance, and the unfortunate died suddenly. Radoshou delivered by Ortson on the book of the Herbert Wells named Heller's "War of the Worlds" was so realistic that caused a mass panic from Americans.

Childhood and youth

The director was born in May 1915 in the Kenosh Wisconsinsky town. The parents of the boy were creative people: Mom - a pianist, and dad - self-taped mechanic, a bicycle lamp inventor. Wells Werely Osapoal: Mother died when Orson turned 9 years old, and a spoke Father - when the son was 15.

In his youth, cinematographer tried himself in different roles, including illustrated Shakespeare's books and fought with bulls as Matador on the Arena of Spain.

For the first time, Orson was first published at the Tson's theater at the "Theater at the Gate" in Dublin, saying the director, which is a Hollywood star. Halus's arrogance so shocked the theater boss that he gave the young man and admired his play. At 19, Orson got a job on American radio and took off the first short film "Wind Heart".

Personal life

The personal life of the director, all his life suffering from jurisdiction, and in old age and from obesity (with an increase in 187 cm, the weight of Orson was 120 kg for 38 years), was stormy. Cinematographer made a lawful marriage three times: for the first time in 19 years old with the Chicago actress and the secular lioness Virginia Nichorus, the second time with the star Rita Heivort, the third time married the heir to the Italian aristocrats - the artist Paole Mori.Embed from getty images

Each of the official unions lasted about 5 years and ended due to the infidelity of Orson. With Paul, he did not legally divorced, but he stopped the actual relationship.

In Rita Heivort Wells fell in love when I first saw the actress on the screen. To conquer beauty, the director sat every night on her porch. For the sake of Orson, the woman threw her husband, but neither this nor passionate love of Rita nor the appearance of Rebecca's daughter kept a man from the next bite. In total, the director had three children - Christopher, Rebecca and Beatrice, one from each of his wives.

In addition, Orson had long novels with Mexican actress Dolores del Rio and the artist of the Croatian-Hungarian descent of Oyia Kodar. Among women to whom Wells managed to exist head, - Marlene Dietrich and Francoise Sagan.


The picture of Oron "Citizen Kane" Critics for decades called the best film of all times and peoples. In the 90s of the 20th century, West's tape in the ratings fled Frank Darabontta "Escape from Schownka".

The paradox lies in the fact that Darabontov's masterpiece is raised according to Stephen King, in the title of which "Rita Haywehort and Salvation from Shawshank" appear the name and surname of the second wife Oboy. A poster with a photo of the stars hung in the chamber of the main character and covered the lazged lazged them.

"Citizen Kane" talks about the investigation by the journalist of the death words of the media signal. The meaning of the phrase is revealed to the audience in the last frames, and for the amateur detective remains a mystery. But the journalist restores the gaps in the biography of magnate and its moral degradation. Wells himself considered his best picture of a "Citizen Kane", but the "process", delivered on the work of Franz Kafka.

Repeating motive in Orson ribbons - falsification. In addition to the film "F as a fake", the theme of the bench appears in the picture "Mr. Arkadin", in which the rich is hiring a young smuggler allegedly to restore the forgotten past, and in fact for the disappearance of the past. Also, the director loved to screen the works of Shakespeare, half of whom he knew by heart.

The film of Wells "Lady from Shanghai" was later recognized as a masterpiece and the only one in the history of cinema a comedy in the genre of Noura. The scene shootout in the laughter's room admired critics and directories of the following generations, in particular Lars von Trier, and Woody Allen used her as a quote in the "Murder in Manhattan" tape. The main roles in the picture performed Oron himself and his second wife Rita Hayworth.


Orson died on October 10, 1985, on one day with another legend of American cinema - actor Yulia Brinner. The cause of death was a heart attack. 2 hours before the death, the director gave an interview with the television talk show Merva Griffin, in which he called the Rita Hayivort of one of the most kind of women in the world.Embed from getty images

Surprisingly, the Wells filmography was replenished 33 years after his death. On August 31, 2018, the premiere of the film "Other side of the Wind" took place at the Venetian Film Festival, the shooting of which the director began in 1980. Music to the picture became the last significant work of the composer Michel Leger, who collaborated with Wells when creating a tape "F as a fake."


  • 1938 - "Too much Johnson"
  • 1941 - "Citizen Kane"
  • 1942 - "Magnificent Amberson"
  • 1946 - "Stranger"
  • 1947 - "Lady from Shanghai"
  • 1948 - Macbeth
  • 1952 - "Othello"
  • 1955 - "Mr. Arkadin"
  • 1958 - "Printing evil"
  • 1962 - "Process"
  • 1965 - "Midnight bells (Falstaf)"
  • 1975 - "F as a fake"
  • 2018 - "Other side of the wind"

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