The most terrible killers in history: in Russia, in the world, in the USSR, in the US


These people calmly walked through the streets, went shopping, started families. At first glance, they did not differ from others, but on their hands the blood of innocent victims. Serial killers and maniacs entered the story, and they will talk about them even hundreds of years. They were famous than good deeds, these people are the most terrible killers, from the mention of which goosebumps run on the skin.

Albert Fish

The pervert and cannibal Albert Fish is known to the world as "Brooklyn Vampire." He was born and killed in the United States. Police managed to prove only 3-6 murders, among whom Grace Budd girl was. Fish raped her, and then ate. The killer himself argued that he had taken away from almost 500 children. No one thought that the captain of the river vessel would be serial maniac. In his family there were cases of mental disorders, relatives suffered from religious practices.

Albert Fish

As a teenager, Fish visited public baths daily, where he watched naked people unhindered. For the first time killed a person in 40 years. From numerous crimes, Fisha was judged only for the murder of Grace Budd. His executed in 1936 on an electric chair.

Donald Harvey

American nurse Donald Harvey fell into the top cruel murderers. The number of his victims is more than 50, but the criminal himself told about the murder of 87 people. Harvey began to kill after the patient "launched" into it used by a medical duck. The nurse outraged the behavior of the patient he tried to help. In a conversation with the police, it was told that it was the last straw, and he strangled the patient with a pillow. For 10 months of work, he killed 12 people. Donald believed that he kills them out of pity to stop suffering.

Donald Harvey

The criminal was not a "butcher", he killed the victims with the help of poisons, stifled or disconnected from the artificial ventilation of the lungs. Bloodpolia avoided. 17 years after the first murder, he was condemned. He received a life sentence, but he did not live to old age, Harvey was killed in the chamber.

Ted Bundy

Necrophil and the rapist Ted Bande are recognized as the most charming killer. He had dependence on pornography. Bandes rummaged in the garbage tanks in search of pictures or photographs of naked women. Despite the strange passion, Ted got a job for the Governor of Washington, where he worked on the election campaign. The psychologist for education filed great hopes that IMG collapsed after the first murder. Bundy was 27 years old.

Ted Bundy

The number of arms killed by the hands of American necrophile reached 100 people. Not only adult women suffered from his inclinations, but also small girls. Banden is a skillful strategist, he cleaned his tracks and did not leave the chance to catch him in a crime. To plant the criminal helped his girlfriend, who brought the police on him. In the car, Ted found hair of one of the victims. In 1989 he was executed on an electric chair.

Harold Shipman

"Milny man with good eyes" - such a thought comes to mind when watching photos of Shipman. After the death of the mother, he decided to become a doctor and help people. On the account of the "Doctor Death" of 15 victims. In his life there were problems with drugs, he passed long treatment. At this time, he was forbidden to engage in medical activities. After expuse to work, he began not only to save lives, but also to take them.

Harold Shipman

In 1984, Shipman came to the challenge to an elderly woman. She was disturbed by pain in the joints. The doctor suggested an anesthetizing chop to her, but after her consent put an injection with morphine. Half an hour Shipman looked like a woman dies. When the criminal caught, he fell on his knees and cried. He was sentenced to 15 life imprisonments, but he did not sit for a long time. In 57 years committed suicide in the prison cell.

Luis Gaporto

The Colombian "Beast" Luis Gaureto, recognized as the most cruel killer in the world, may be released soon. According to Colombian laws, a person cannot be imprisoned for more than 30 years. GaVito collaborated with a consequence, therefore the term "stuck" up to 22 years. He was planted in 1999, until the liberation remained 1-2 years. Louis killed and raped about 400 people.

Luis Gaporto

Syroids and children from disadvantaged families became victims of the "beast". The police did not notice the killings committed by GaVito, because attention was focused on the capture of Pablo Escobar - Colombian drug trap. In 2019, Louis turned 63 years old, whether he would return to the past life, it remains only to guess.

Andrei Chikatilo

In the USSR, the most cruel serial killer was Andrei Chikatilo. He is guilty of a minimum of 53 deaths. Chikatilo hunted on women and children. The teacher of Russian language and literature killed a 9-year-old girl in 1978. On the criminal, the police drew attention immediately, but did not find evidence of his involvement. Alexander Kravchenko was accused instead of Chikatilo, and he was shot. After the death of an innocent man in this crime, a maniac returned to murder.

Andrei Chikatilo

The teacher killed from sexual motives, he was a daffodil and maniac. In the Rostov region, Chicatilo was performed from 1978 to 1990. After arrest, he did not recognize guilt. Psychiatrist helped talk the killer. At the age of 57, Andrei Chikatilo shot. In the history of Russia, he remains a bloodthirsty maniac.

Eilein Wornos.

"Angel of Death" - so called a serial killer from America Eileen Wornos. Not only men become cold-blooded criminals, women show no less cruelty. Wornos killed 7 men, who subsequently robbed. In a conversation with the police, it was stated that they were dominated by her, so the woman was defended. When Eileen was asked about the motives of crimes, she talked about hard childhood. Grandfather, together with friends, raped her, and at the age of 11 she came out to work on the "track".

Eilein Wornos.

Eilein "caught" victims through the services provided. But the men did not become her clients, but they fell into the list of those killed. The woman was painted with firearms. When communicating with a psychiatrist and passing tests, Eilein was discovered psychopathy. In 2002, the "Angel of Death" was executed by mortal injection. It was necessary to wait for her own death for a long time, appeals on the accelerated execution of the sentence were deflected. She languished in the death bullshit.

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