Anniversary of Sergey Jurassic: biography, personal life, films, death


On March 16, 1935, the famous Soviet and Russian actor Sergey Yursky was born. If death did not take the brilliant artist, in 2020 he could have been 85 years old. In honor of this date, the editorial office of 24cmi amounted to a selection of the most significant roles of Sergei Yurevich, who left the imprint on his biographies.

"Republic of Skid"

In the "Republic of Skid", Sergey Yursky played the director of the school of Vikniksor, but the director of the picture Gennady Shelok was worthwhile. Studio management "Lenfilm" initially approved Andrei Popov to this role, but the filmmaker did not agree with their decision and chose his candidate.

"Love and pigeons"

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In the film "Love and Pigeons" 49-year-old Sergey Yursky and his 40-year-old wife Natalia Teniakov played old people. Uncle Mitya turned out to be so convincing that when the actor went during filming for lunch in makeup and lagged behind his colleagues, the Swiss refused to let the "Alkash" in the hall.

5 curious cases on the filming of the film "Love and Pigeons" Read

"Golden calf"

The premiere of the "Golden Calf" took place in 1968, and initially it turned out to be failed. After watching in the cinema, silence was hung, and the creators encountered criticism. The image of the Ostap of Bender in the execution of Jurassic, as well as the film itself, seemed indisputable. The comedy appreciated only years later.

"Meeting place can not be Changed"

In the tape "The meeting place cannot be changed" Sergey Yursky played Ivan Sergeevich Gruzdeva. Stanislav Govorukhin became the director, however, in the first shooting days he had to go to the premiere of the previous picture, Vladimir Vysotsky was temporarily replaced. For Jurassic, who was important to be considered with his acting opinion, it became a real salvation. He filmed his scene quickly and without problems.

"Search a woman"

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Remembering the best roles of Jurassic, it is impossible not to mention a detective comedy "Look for a woman", where the artist embodied the owner of the notary office of Matra Rocher. To get French props in the conditions of a total deficit of foreign goods, the creators had to go to the Embassy of France in Moscow. The result turned out to be more than satisfactory. French cinema historians later called the picture of the most successful detective comedy of the USSR.

7 interesting facts about Sergei Yursky, which you do not value

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