Coronavirus in Tver 2020: Latest News, Test, Analysis, Ministry of Health


Updated May 6.

A viral infection that received the official name COVID-19 continues to spread on the planet and scare the Russians. The latest news reports that Chinese viral pneumonia also got to Russia, people with suspicions are hospitalized and surrender. The editorial office 24cmi tried to figure out whether Koronavirus is in Tver.

World statistics

As of May 6, 2020, over 2.3 million infected with coronavirus registered in the world. The Five Leaders in the number of illness were US (1 238 040), Spain (250 561), Italy (213 013), United Kingdom (194,990) and France (170,551).Coronavirus in Russia: all cases and the latest news

Causes of Coronavirus in Tver

On March 4, 2020, a resident of Tver appealed to the "Clinic Expert Tver" LLC with signs of ARVI. A brigade of the center of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor in protective suits was quickly left, and held an express test, and the man was placed in Boxing Kalinin Central District Hospital. Later announced that the SARS-COV-2 virus was not found at the illness. This was reported by the "Interfax" edition.

Now the situation is gaining momentum, but does not reach the scope of critical. On May 6, 2020 in Tver and the region recorded 753 Cases of the disease , 197 recovery and eight deaths.

Latest news

In Tver, a seedlings fair, which takes place annually on the embankment Athanasius Nikitin. Such measures are taken due to the prevention of coronavirus infection.

In Tver, the personality of a person who places the fake about massive deaths in the area. For false information, in the hospital number 7, so many patients died from coronavirus, which doctors lack even bags for transporting tel. In the fact of the dissemination of data imposing users, a criminal case was initiated.

220 companies in Tver are recognized as system-forming. Nevertheless, they can start work only under the condition of complete compliance with Sanitary Norm, as well as retaining the salary and jobs.

After false messages on the network about the healing properties of lemon and ginger, prices for these products have sharply rose in the region. The cost of ginger root can reach 1559 rubles, and lemons - 999 rubles.

According to data on April 6, 2020, there are no restrictions on the movement of citizens in connection with the epidemiological situation in the Tver region. Governor Igor Rumeny announced that temporary isolation was obligatory only for citizens with a positive test on coronavirus, or those who returned from abroad and must be at home for 14 days.

On March 30, Governor Igor Rumeny held a meeting with members of the Regional Government on the current epidemiological situation in Tver and the region. The heads of departments were entrusted to strengthen measures acting preventive and develop additional.

Coronavirus: symptoms and treat

March 27 reported that in the center of Awaev in Tver, biomaterial will be explored for coronavirus.

On March 24, it became known that the analyzes of citizens with suspicion of Coronavirus would not send more to Novosibirsk. This will occur the metropolitan FKUZ "Antician Center". This primary test will give grounds for a diagnosis.

March 20, the media reported hospitals who are willing to accept the sick coronavirus. Among them: Mountaints № 1 and № 6, Kalininskaya Central District Clinical Hospital, Ostashkovskaya CRH, Andreapol CRH, Toropetsk TsRB, Zvsovskaya CRH, Bogotskaya CRH, Rzhevskaya CRH, Tsorokskaya CRH, Savony CRH, Weskovinskaya CRH, Sonkovskaya CRH, Kashinsky CRH, Konakovskaya CRH, Nelidovskaya CRH, reports the portal "Tver Vedomosti".

To prevent the proliferation of coronavirus in Tver, they were limited to carrying out mass cultural and sporting events especially with the participation of foreigners who arrived from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. In addition, disinfection of public transport will be carried out, including railway.

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