Eduard lemons died: 2020, biography, interesting facts


On March 17, 2020, it became known about the death of the writer and the policy of Eduard Limonov. He fought with oncology, but the body did not transferred two operations on the eve. The editorial office of 24cmi collected interesting facts from Eduard Veniaminovich's biography.

1. Limons in his youth engaged in the sewing jeans. Among his clients was the sculptor Ernst Unknown.

2. At the age of 30, Eduard Limonov emigrated to the United States, according to him, it was a forced measure because of his refusal to become a secret Agent of the KGB. In the US, the writer worked in a newspaper for Russian emigrants, from where he was expelled after he challenged himself to the building "New York Times". Thus, lemons demanded that his articles be published in the USSR.

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3. Upon returning to Russia, lemons declared himself an opposition. Opposition glances were from the Writer from the youth. And from 15 to 20 years old, he also participated in the apartment theft and scatteries.

4. From 2002 to April 2003, Eduard Limonov was located in the Saratov Central Prison for organizing the acquisition of firearms and ammunition. It was there that he began to write "prisons", which was released in 2004. Limonov was given by 4 years of the general regime, after the sentence he was transferred to the colony No. 13 in Engels, from where he came out 2 months at par.

5. The writer has put forward his candidacy for participation in the presidential elections in 2012, but the CEC did not approve his participation. To apply, Limonov had to abandon the citizenship of France, which he received in 1987.

6. Eduard Limonov knew three languages: Ukrainian, French and English.

7. The writer expressed his last desire - so that his funerals were closed. He did not want the presence of media and the public on them.

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