Anniversary Alexey Yagudina: 2020, biography, personal life, facts


March 18, 2020, the famous Russian figure skater and actor Alexei Yagudin celebrated his birthday. The star was 40 years old. The editorial office 24cmi amounted to a selection of interesting facts from his biography and personal life.


Alexey Yagudin has long left the sport, but tries to keep himself in shape. This helps him the right lifestyle, healthy nutrition, as well as numerous tour and speeches.

Childhood dreams

In his youth, the figure skater dreamed of becoming a truck driver, and when only left Sport - coach. However, fate in the end led him to art. However, the coaching occupies a certain place in his fate. In Moscow Park Gorky, the artist has a free school of figure skating.


Resting Alexey, though loves, but does not know how. Being without work even a couple of days, it includes a phone, calls to colleagues and begins to be interested in their affairs. It is important for him to continue to act.


To read Yagudin does not like. He is not a fan of classics, therefore, the maximum that he can read, political or economic news. The athlete is used to draw information from other sources.


The artist has its own way to raise his mood: if he is sad, Alexey comes to the mirror and builds his faces.


Yagudin is married to Tatiana Tutmianin. However, as she herself admitted in an interview, at the beginning of their relationship did not develop from the word "at all." The pair was converged, it was diverged. Shortly before the death of the mother athlete she told her: "Calm down, he loves you, who are you still looking for?" After that, the lovers were no longer parted.

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