The anniversary of the wedding Alsu and Yana Abramova: Secrets of strong marriage


On March 18, singer Alsu and her spouse Yang Abramov celebrate the agate wedding. For 14 years of the singer's joint life formed several secrets of a strong family, with pleasure sharing with fans. Some of them are in the material 24cm.

1. Flexibility

As Alsu himself admitted, she does not have a strong marriage formula, and all the time you have to learn, face crisis and quarrels.

"Somewhere I needed and silent, somewhere not to pay attention, to remember somewhere and respond in a more suitable setting, somewhere in your own," the star is sure.

2. Femininity

The artist is confident that the woman should always be attractive and feminine. She wrote about this on his page in "Instagram":

"Men love eyes and want to see beauty in front of them. Do not forget to tint cilia, paint sponges, sometimes arrange romantic evenings or weekends specifically for two. "

3. Head of the family

Man It is important to feel strong. Alsu gave birth to a spouse of three children and tries not to indulge the babies without a reason, refers to them with special severity, but an undisputed authority in the family is still Yang. The words "I am now dad will say" have an almost magical impact on the younger generation.

4. Trust

According to Alsu, women are too rich fantasy, and they tend to invent what they do not exist in reality. At the same time, the ladies do not forget to quarrel with her beloved and "to underride" friends with friends. The singer is confident that in the relationship it is important to "trust, but check somehow something." It is possible to arrange hysterics and "disassembly" only when there is a real reason for this.

5. Common Interests

The pair should have common interests, and if there are no such, you need to find them or at least occasionally pay attention to what is important for a partner. According to the singer, if a woman does not understand that a interesting man finds in one or another lesson, he will look for this understanding on the side and, perhaps, even in another woman.

6. Family - in the first place

Alsa is extremely rare can be seen in secular parties, and in numerous interviews, the singer has repeatedly emphasized that home care, focus and furnishings in the house for her priority work and any other things.

After the wedding, she even threw the acting career because of the inability to combine her with relationships. Few people know, but Alsu graduated from Gitis and even starred in a number of films.

7. Do not think about the bad

Despite the rumors that are disrupted about Yane Abramov, Alsu trusts only him and during the years of his life with the chosen one never thought about divorce.

"I hope that we will build up on the same pillow. I appreciate my husband for a lot. For the fact that we are with children behind him as a stone wall are protected, overwhelming. For reliability. "

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