Protection against coronavirus during pregnancy: in Russia, in China, protective equipment, measures, masks


Updated April 19.

In connection with the rapid proliferation of coronavirus around the world, the population of countries, whether China or Russia, worries health and compliance with prevention measures. Most of all the stress is subject to women who carry offspring, because it is not yet known how infection affects the future child. Coronavirus and pregnancy are compatible and the methods of protection of the fetus - in the editorial material 24cm.

What is dangerous coronavirus for pregnant women and for the fetus

The body of a woman during pregnancy becomes vulnerable to various kinds of infections. Nevertheless, the doctor is an obstetrician-gynecologist and academician RAS Mark Kurger, in an interview with the National News Service, noted that pregnant women are not included in the risk risk group of coronavirus. The infection affects the older generation people with concomitant chronic diseases.

Thus, the Center for the Control and Prevention of Diseases of the PRC published the results of studies of a series of cases of infection in China and found out that the virus does not spare people over 50 years old with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, leakage of blood pressure, respiratory infections and oncological diseases.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Scientists have no information as Coronavirus affects the health of the fetus, but the researchers say that the placenta and the accumulative water reliably protect the baby from third-party infections, so it can be subjected to infection by contact with the infected mother in the first hours of life. The newborn due to the imperfect development of lungs and immunity is most susceptible to complications after infections.

The chief researcher of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamalei Victor Zuev expressed his point of view regarding the influence of the infection of pregnant women on the kid.

"We know what the flu ends in pregnant women, or rather, the offspring that they give birth. Often develops a slow form of a influenza infection that can lead to severe complications, "said Zuev.

Cases of infection of pregnant women in the world

The report published by the World Health Organization, it is said about 147 women infected during pregnancy coronavirus. 12 of them showed heavy symptoms, and the rest suffered an infection easily.

At the end of January in Harbin (China), a woman infected with COVID-19, at 38 weeks gave birth to a healthy girl. The baby immediately sent to quarantine and took the necessary analyzes that did not reveal in the blood of a dangerous virus.

PEOPLE'S DAILY Edition on February 3, 2020 reported that a child was born in the Chinese city of Wuhan with coronavirus. The infection was revealed 30 hours after birth. The condition of the kid was assessed as stable. About whether the newborn recovered, there is no information yet. The scientists of the United Medical College of Beijing and the University of Fudan (PRC) noted that the new strain of the virus can contact the placenta, but the probability of penetration into the fruit is extremely rare.

In Russia, the cases of infection with coronavirus during pregnancy was not revealed.

There was no single case of transmission of coronavirus through breastfeeding, so scientists recommend to continue the feeding of the baby, but remind that the infection is transmitted by air-droplet, and therefore the wearing of individual protective equipment is a mandatory procedure.

Coronavirus and pregnancy: Is it worth planning

Whether pregnancy is planned at the height of the flu season and COVID-19 - to solve a married couple, but in the case of infection with a pregnant woman it is difficult to choose antiviral drugs.

As coronavirus affects pregnancy planning - it is unknown, so scientists suggest that the danger of the child's conception at this time is the same as in the ORVI season.

Family couple should closely monitor health and with the slightest signs of colds to see a doctor who will prescribe medicinal drugs that reduce the risk of complications.

Ways to protect: how to avoid infection

Pregnant women scare the disease with which they have not come across before. And if there is a medicine from the urinary tract infection, syphilis or anemia, and from measles, rubella - vaccine, then methods for protection against coronavirus are based on standard measures for the prevention of ARVI or influenza.

So, the Ministry of Health of Russia led by the Minister of Health MA Murashko presented to the attention of methodical recommendations regarding the prophylaxis of coronavirus. Among the basic rules relating to women during pregnancy:

• Do not attend countries with a dangerous epidemiological situation.

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Famous people who have become coronavirus

• Avoid places to accumulate people (shopping centers, cinemas, exhibitions, and so on). If it is impossible to reduce contact, you should pay attention to additional means of protection (masks, antiseptics).

• Wear a mask in potentially dangerous places and change them every 2-3 hours or as much as moisture. A medical mask with proper wearing fits tightly and closes the nose and chin. If one of the surfaces of the protection agent is color, then the white side is applied directly to the face.

• Thoroughly wash your hands with soap. It is important not to just rinse the surface of the palms, but also rinse every finger. The procedure is carried out every couple of hours.

• Moisten and ventilate the room. Coronavirus is transmitted by air-droplet, and therefore sufficient humidity and fresh air have an effective help with the prevention of COVID-19. If possible, walk in the courtyard at home or deserted places.

• Wipe the working surfaces with antiseptic means. Tables, phone numbers, gadgets, door handles and toilets It is advisable to handle as often as possible.

• In the manifestation of signs of ORVI, call a doctor.

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