Bruce Greenwood - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Canadian actor Bruce Greenwood began a career in the late 1970s, and since then his filmography has hundreds of roles in the cinema and serials. The artist is not among the stars of the first magnitude, but its annual employment in several projects speaks of non-recurring professional demand. Canadian works in different genres, passing by producing and voicing.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the Canadian province of Quebec, in the town of Ruen-Noranda, in 1956. Mama Mary Silvia worked as a nurse, and Father Hugh John was engaged in geophysics. Artist has two younger sisters, Kelly and Lynn. At first, the family often moved from place to place, having time to live in different cities of the United States, Canada and Europe, but when the head of the family received the professorship at the University of British Columbia, asslaved in Vancouver.

In this city, Bruce entered the university, where his father worked. The young man ends in Switzerland, where Greenwood lived 13 months while Hugh John was engaged in research. As a specialization, the guy chose economic and philosophical sciences. However, in parallel with the study, the young man began to engage in the theater, eventually replenishing the troupe of Vancouver theater.

Feeling a lack of professionalism, Greenwood decided to go on training at the Royal Central School of Stage Speech and Dramatic Art in London, for which he became a diamond produce in the North-Western territories. But I did not graduate from studying and a year before the end of the course went on a trip to Greece, where he worked on a sailing boat.

Returning from Europe, Bruce moved to the United States, where 1980-1981 studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts of New York. By that time he had already received the first roles in the movie.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor has developed in the youth. With the future wife of Susan Davlin Bruce met when they were 15 years old. Greenwood life consisted of frequent movements from place to place, but young people did not lose sight of each other. In 1985, they got married. A child was born in marriage.Embed from getty images

The artist is enjoying the music and the best way to relax and relax considers the game on the electric guitar. And also adores active rest - hiking, jumping with parachute, sailing and skis. Living in Switzerland, Bruce even planned to become a professional skier, but during the descent damaged his knee, which led to six operations. Yes, and at work actors often pursue injuries - he broke an ankle when participating in the musical "cruel tears" and lost tooth in a fight on the filming of the film "Nice Future".


The actor remembered the viewer by the execution of the role of President John F. Kennedy in the film "Thirteen Days" (2000). Another bright work was the character of Captain Christopher soldering in the Star Route (2009). By this time, there were dozens of films and TV shows, among whom "Rambo: First Blood", "Wild Orchid", "I, Robot".

Bruce is removed in Canada and the United States, but the glory of Hollywood projects, in which he rarely appears in the first roles, but always draws attention to the characteristic and bright game. In his filmography of Drama ("Nice Future", "Crew", "Double Oblision"), militants ("Passenger 57", "Hollywood cops"), horrors ("Doctor Son", "Camera 213"), comedy ("Day Father "," Mad Jumps ") and films in other genres.

Bruce Greenwood now

Now the actor lives and works in Los Angeles. Greenwood does not seek unnecessary publicity, rarely gives interviews and does not lead an "instagram" and other social networks, where fans could track fresh photos and news from the life of the artist. In 2019, Bruce worked at least in 5 projects, including the series "Young Justice League", "Jett" and "Ordinator". Matt Zucri and Manish Dial became in the last shooting partners.


  • 1979 - "Island of Bear"
  • 1982 - "Rambo: First Blood"
  • 1989 - "Wild Orchid"
  • 1992 - "Passenger 57"
  • 1998 - "obscene behavior"
  • 2000 - "Thirteen days"
  • 2005 - "Mad Jumps"
  • 2009 - "Star Path"
  • 2012 - "Crew"
  • 2017 - "Kingsman: Golden Ring"
  • 2018-2019 - "Ordinator"

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