Larry Scott - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Bodybuilder, Bodybuilder, Cause



Larry Scott is the legendary bodybuilder of low (170 cm) growth with huge biceps. The biography and achievements of Bodybuilder, who left the sport was incongover, inspired to train Arnold Schwarzenegger and other athletes.

Childhood and youth

Bodybuilder was born in October 1938 in the American state of Idaho. The ancestors of Bodybuilder - migrants from Scotland, which can be guessed by the name of the athlete. Theya and Wayne Scott, except Larry, gave life to five more children. Athlete's parents were strong and rosy, and the guy, even becoming a champion in bodybuilding, could not defeat his father in Arm Westing.

Neither growth nor the physique (the weight of the student at the age of 16 was 54 kg) Larry did not fit for popular volleyball and American football peers. Photo Scott in earlier youth confirm - the young man was low and thin. Even the voice of Larry began to break later than in the peers. To like girls, the guy was diligently engaged in gymnastics and trampoline jumps.

Personal life

In 1966, Scott married to the girl of Japanese origin Rachel ITICAW, and the personal life for the champion became more important than the competition. In addition, Larry, like his parents, was Mormon, and one day of post was required to compensate for three days of training.

Scott and his wife moved to the capital of Utah - the city of Salt Lake City, after 35 years, which became the venue of the Winter Olympic Games, and gave birth to the daughter of Susan and Sons Erica, Nathan, Derek and Michael. Larry's younger children and Rachel left life in 1992 and 1993.

In the mature years, Mr. Olympia earned, releasing exercise equipment and bodybuilding benefits. In 1999, Scott was introduced into the Hall of Fame of International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation.


Once the young man got into the hands of the magazine with Bodybuilder George Pain on the cover. Larry caught fire the idea of ​​making a figure of the same muscular as the dark athlete. The first simulator Scott was a pesting axis of trolley.

After six months, the school in which Larry studied, held a tender "Pupil with the best physique." At the competition, Scott took the 2nd place, and this convinced the young bodybuilder in the correctness of the selected path.

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The purposeful guy decided to move to California. In order not to go to nowhere, the resourceful Larry entered the California College of Airplain at the Faculty of Electronics. Scott managed to get through to the Guru Bodybuilding Vince Girond, who has shook the iron actor Clint Eastwood.

Larry inscribed with VINS 10 years. Gironde was distinguished by a heavy temper, but called Scott as the best student and shared secrets, in particular, useful for a figure of high-protein diets. Specific food and stubborn workouts allowed Larry twice to become the owner of the title "Mr. Olympia".


A man who dreamed of thousands of ladies around the world, died in 2014, International Women's Day. The reason for the death of Scott was the complications of Alzheimer's disease.


  • 1959 - Mr. Idaho
  • 1960 - "Mr. California"
  • 1961 - "Mr. Pacific Coast"
  • 1963 - Mr. Universe in the "Middle Weight" category
  • 1964 - Mr. Universe in the category "Middle Weight"
  • 1965 - "Mr. Olympia"
  • 1966 - Mr. Olympia

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