Lisa Anokhina - Photo, Biography, Blog, News, "Instagram", Youtyub-Channel 2021



In October 2019, on the young, but the insanely popular blogger Lisa Anokhin (in 2019 she turned 12 years old) a lot of cases fell. First, at the beginning of the month, she became a laureate of # Instars-Awards 2019 in the "Best Teen Vaine" nomination, secondly, she was instructed to conduct an equally solemn event - the KidsFashionAwards awards ceremony in Tandem with two "fidgets" - the son of Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya Artem and Natalia Grigorova.

Childhood and youth

The star "Yutiuba" and "Instagram" was born on the last April Day 2007 in Sunny Spain, the girl announced this on the page in Vkontakte; Then the move to the capital of Russia. It is also known that Lisa has older brother with a sister who read a lot of books in childhood. This lies the reason for the correct speech and rich vocabulary of the blogger marked with attentive journalists.

Of course, the audience was most interested in the causes of the rabid popularity of Anochean - alone, not embarrassed, put forward insane suggestions that her parents Vadim and Marina had an uncountable amount of money. But it turned out to be a conclusion - adults undoubtedly helped the talented child to develop talents and supported in the endeavors (especially the mother responsible for the social network), but was never considered firmly rich.

In 2019, Elizabeth studied in the 6th grade of the Central Communist Party School, successfully combining the lessons with shooting rollers and participation in all kinds of events.

Personal life

Now the personal life and the biography of Elizabeth are closely connected with her family and friends, and about love with the age of age and constant workload, the teenager is not thinking. In any case, the information about the presence of a guy did not receive, and the corresponding photos on social networks were not published.


From an early age, a girl without fear came out on the stage, where she demonstrated her talents, and none of the adults forced her, she herself took it all. At first, young beauty with bottomless blue eyes declared itself as a TV host "MUZ-TV" and "Carousel", then conquered the model business and considerable number of podiums. But on this ability, Muscovites did not end - Anokhina possessed good vocal data and was remembered by the audience the execution of the song "Impossible possible" with Dima Bilan. Subsequently, in 2018, a beginner pop-performer has released BOOM's own musical singles and "open eyes", which are favorably adopted by the public.

At the end of May 2017, Lisa decided to register a personal Youtyub-Channel, where the Multimillion Army of Subscribers was happy with funny videos and vintage, removed both independently and in duets with colleagues - Marryan RO, Karina Arakelian, Rakhim Abramov, Arina Danilova, etc. . In one of the episodes, the author even appeared in a swimsuit, but he demanded the genre - the water park in Spain was told.

She also did not bypass the cinema, starring in the Misenary films "Pelon" and "Random Bride", as well as flashed in the episode of the "Christmas Trees". Participation in the last project brought a young actress to get acquainted with idols - Sergey Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant.

To a reasonable question of the media representative, which of the professions she is more likely, the star of the Internet replied:

"I like to take a movie, although it is very difficult there. Changes are usually 12-14 hours continuously and in all weather conditions. Vains are also movies, but mini. Adore. Also with humor, right what is needed for me. I also like to work on the stage: the energy of the audience is awesome. "

Lisa Anokhina now

Lisa feels comfortable in various fields of art. She does not cease to develop a video blog, write new musical compositions, planning to combine them into the album (in 2019 there were "Well" tracks, "game" and "here"), and replenish the filmography - the artist is involved in "Artek: Big Journey "and" Oracle ", the premiere of which was appointed 2020.



  • 2018 - Boom
  • 2018 - "Open Eyes"
  • 2019 - "Here and there"
  • 2019 - "Well,"
  • 2019 - "Game"


  • 2018 - "Pelle"
  • 2018 - "Random Bride"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"
  • 2020 - "Oracle"
  • 2020 - "Artek: Big Journey"

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