History of love Hope Babkina and Eugene Mountain: photo, relationship, age difference


Nadezhda Babkin and Evgeny Mountains together for 17 years. In a pair of hope and Eugene, the age difference is 30 years old, but this fact never embarrassed lovers. Looking at the photo of Hope Georgievna can not be said that in March 2020, the singer turned 70 years old - Babkina cares for himself and stylishly dressed. In the material 24cmi - the history of love celebrities.

Before dating

Evgeny Gorshkov (Mountains) was born in 1980 in Izhevsk. Evgeny graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Udmurt State University. In the student years, the guy began to seriously engage in music and vocals, and together with classmates founded the Music group "after 11". Nothing is known about Evgeniya's personal life.

From the biography of the singer, it is known that Nadezhda Babkina to exploring the current civil husband was married to the musician Vladimir Site, who divorced in 1991. They had a son of Danil.

Acquaintance Hope Babkin and Eugene Mountain

The history of the starry couple began in 2003 at the All-Russian contest of pop performers in Saratov, where the mountains opposed his group, and Babkina was present in the hall as a jury member. Evgenia then turned 23 years old, and Hope Georgievna - 53. But the guy did not think and did not know that the difference is so great. And later, seeing the numbers in the passport, no longer considered this fact that is important.

How did the appearance of Hope Babkina changed over the years

How did the appearance of Hope Babkina changed over the years

According to the singer, the chemistry arose between them, "there was love at first glance. Mountains conquered Babkin vocal and male attractiveness, and she immediately imagined the young man next to him. The guy has noticed a sympathy from the scene from the scene. After the speech, the singer invited a young talented artist to the capital for further collaboration. For several years, Evgeny Mountains was a member of the ensemble of the hope of Babkina "Russian Song" and more than once performed songs with a duet with a beloved.

Later, Eugene Mountains organized the Unite IT music project, in which he became a vocalist. The group performs an English-speaking pop rock, there are also compositions in Russian in the repertoire.

Lovers did not hide a romantic relationship and began to live a civil marriage. Due to the difference in age, their union and personal life have repeatedly been criticized and condemned by the media and heyters, but lovers prefer not to respond to negative reactions of society.

Mountains have already made an offer to the beloved woman to become a legitimate wife, but Babkina is not in a hurry to give consent, explaining that she is "and so good." Nadezhda Georgievna says that she needs freedom, and a stamp in a passport can spoil everything.

In 2010, the Russian media appeared information that the hope of Babkin and the Mountains broke up. The Roman Star Pair threatened to end with loud court disassembly. However, soon the pair again appeared in society together, demonstrating tenderness, mutual understanding and attentive attitude towards each other.

Rumors about the swelling of the beloved appeared in 2016, but this time the information was not confirmed.

Couple now

Spouses live guest marriage - Nadezhda Georgievna housings in his own apartment overlooking the Kremlin, and Evgeny regularly comes to visit the beloved. People's artist says that he loves sometimes to be alone and at the same time she is not boring. The couple tells in an interview that they, even after almost 2 decades, are experiencing a delicate and warm feelings to each other. Each meeting with them is a small holiday.

Lovers spend together a lot of time: rest, travel and go out. Fans noted that Nadezhda Georgievna near a civil husband only young people, the couple looks harmonious and the difference between them is almost not noticeable. The singer herself jokes that a 39-year-old husband aged next to her.

Plans for the future

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, in the program of which Nadezhda Babkin recently appeared, told that in her opinion, hope and Eugene could become parents. The possibilities of modern medicine are striking, and the services of surrogate mothers exist. Despite the age and difference, the TV presenter believes that everything is possible: the singer is not against becoming a mom again, but from Eugene, a loving father will be quite.

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